La GlaGla Race c’est dans moins d’un mois et nous cherchons encore quelques bateaux pour encadrer la course et emmener les journalistes et partenaires !
Pas évident en plein hiver de trouver des bateaux… Souvent ils sont hivernés ! Mais la GlaGla Race est devenu un bel événement qui met en valeur notre beau lac en plein hiver ! Nous avons besoin de votre aide !
Pour nous contacter email / Benoit au 06 85 85 6006 ou via notre page Facebook ou Instagram
Hello John ! Happy to see you coming back to the GlaGla Race ! Can you tell us who you are for those who don’t know you yet ! How long have you been paddling ?
I’m a 58-year-old stand-up paddleboarder, born in Glasgow, Scotland, and living in the northwest of England for the last 30 years. One Saturday morning in June 2014 I happened to look out of my window which overlooks Southport Marine Lake. I saw three people out on the lake, paddleboarding. I’d never seen such a thing before, and I was intrigued. I had my first lesson later that month. What began as a hobby evolved into a lifetime quest to SUP in every country in the world. I’m on 47 countries at the moment, so I still have a long way to go.
What do you like about the GlaGla Race ?
In my first few years of SUP, I was famous in my friend group for hibernating every winter. My board would go away at the end of October and not come back out until March or April. In 2017/18, I decided to be brave and paddle through the winter. Then I read about the Glagla Race and decided to be braver still. I took part in January 2018 and loved every minute of it, even though it was very cold on the day. It snowed not long after the race finished. I think the GlaGla Race is a unique event and I like to challenge myself. I just love the town of Annecy itself and the lake is absolutely spectacular. I’m very much looking forward to coming again in 2023.
You are a big fan of the Red Paddle brand. What do you like most about their SUP boards ?
I’ve owned Redpaddle boards for more than eight years now. Sometimes my quest to SUP the World takes me to unusual or isolated locations, and I often paddle alone. It’s important for me to have top-quality equipment that won’t let me down. I know I can rely on Redpaddle. They have a wide range of boards and provide excellent customer service. I’m looking forward to paddling my Redpaddle 13’2 Voyager on Lake Annecy in January 2023.
During the last edition we had a false start which penalized the outriggers, we are offering you registration for the GlaGla Race 2023 to compensate! Hop hop hop, register! There will be even more canoes in 2023!(*)
(*)This offer is reserved for participants registered in the “outrigger” category for the GlaGla Race 2022
Revenez !
Lors de la dernière édition nous avons eu un faux départ qui a pénalisé les pirogues, nous vous offrons l’inscription à la GlaGla Race 2023 pour compenser ! Hop hop hop, inscrivez-vous ! Il y aura encore plus de pirogues en 2023 !(*)
(*)Cette offre est réservée aux participants inscrits en catégorie “outrigger” à la GlaGla Race 2022
We are pleased to announce a new 10 KM race, reserved for Juniors (14-17 years old) at the GlaGla Race! This Junior race is a race for young runners for whom the short distance (6.5 km) leaves them a little hungry and who don’t feel like a 15 km in the middle of winter!
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer une nouvelle course de 10 KM, réservée aux Juniors (14-17 ans) à la GlaGla Race ! Cette course Junior est une course qui s’adresse aux jeunes coureurs pour qui la courte distance (6,5 km) laisse un peu sur leur faim et qui ne sentent pas pour une 15 km en plein hiver !
This race is reserved for them, it is forbidden to adults! It will start at the same time as the long, short and very short distance (10:30 a.m.). The participants will be grouped together on the left of the starting line (beach side of Talloires).
Cette course leur est réservée, elle est interdite aux adultes ! Elle partira en même temps que la longue, la courte et la très courte distance (10h30). Les participants seront regroupés sur la gauche de la ligne de départ (côté plage de Talloires).
Parcours de la Junior Race
Descriptif du parcours du Junior Race 2023
The juniors start : on the left side of the 500m start line
Les concurrents de la course Junior seront regroupés sur la gauche de la ligne de départ direction (comme tous les concurrents) la 1ere bouée en face de l’embarcadère d’Angon. (KM 1.1)
After turning the Angon buoy, let’s go to the castle of Duingt (KM 2.3)
After turning the first buoy in Angon, junior competitors head towards the Duingt Castle, they turn around the peninsula until they see the second buoy at the bottom of Duingt Bay.
second buoy at the bottom of the bay of DuingtSecond buoy in Duingt (KM 3.5)
Junior competitors then turn around the buoy by 70° heading toward the Roc de Chère cliff on the other side of the lake. (this is where they cross the lake).
Crossing the lake from Duingt towards the Roc de Chère – KM 4.5The 4 th buoy in the Junior course : in the bay of Talloires in front of the Abbaye Hotel (KM 5.5)Second round for junior heading towards the Angon buoy. (KM 7.4)
After turning the buoy in the bay of Talloires, junior competitors follow the shore until they can head towards the Angon’s buoy (the first buoy they already turned in the first lap)
Again competitors head towards the castle of Duingt
Junior competitors turn around the buoy in front of the castle
For the second lap, competitor turn around the buoy in front of the castle of Duingt and head toward the bay of Talloires, a shortcut to reach the buoy in the bay of Talloires, in front of the Abbaye de Talloires.
Finish Line in front of the beach of Talloires KM 10
Pour bien accueillir les participants, partenaires et public, nous avons besoin d’une trentaine de bénévoles ! Venez rejoindre l’équipe d’organisation ! Toutes les bonnes volontés sont les bienvenues ! Pas besoin de savoir faire du paddle, ni d’avoir une expérience quelconque ! Bonne humeur et bonne volonté indispensables en revanche !
To welcome participants, partners and the public, we need about thirty volunteers! Come join the organizing team! All the goodwill are welcome ! No need to know how to paddle, nor to have any experience! Good mood and good will essential on the other hand!
100 registered participants for the registration opening : new record !
Registration for the GlaGla Race 2023 opened yesterday evening and 100 participants registered alreday ! That’s the strongest start ever with competitors from France, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, the Netherlands, Israël, the USA, Germany, Italy !
Les inscriptions pour la GlaGla Race 2023 ont ouvert hier soir et 100 participants se sont déjà inscrits ! C’est le meilleur départ de tous les temps avec des compétiteurs de France, Suisse, Autriche, Suède, Pays-Bas, Israël, USA, Allemagne, Italie !