Résultats Tropical Race results (Geneva – Geneve)

Des conditions épiques pour cette reprise de l’Alpine Lakes Tour 2020 ! Cette course, qui n’était pas prévue au programme a été ajoutée pour permettre à tous ceux qui se languissaient après 3 mois d’interruption de reprendre la compétition. La bise soufflait sur Genève et a transformé la longue distance en un double upwind / Downwind ! Ludovic Teulade l’emporte chez les hommes en 1:06 et Sonni Hönscheid chez les femmes en 1:09

Epic conditions for this resumption of the Alpine Lakes Tour 2020! This race, which was not planned in the program, was added to allow all those who languished after 3 months of interruption to resume competition. The wind was blowing over Geneva and transformed the long distance into a double upwind / Downwind! Ludovic Teulade wins in men in 1:06 and Sonni Hönscheid in women in 1:09

Les participants à la longue distance ont eu à faire 2 boucles alternant upwind sur 2,5 km et downwind sur la même distance. Les participants à la courte ne faisait qu’une seule boucle. Certains inscrits sur la longue ont ainsi basculé sur la courte en ne faisant qu’une seule boucle.

Long distance participants had to do 2 loops alternating upwind over 2.5 km and downwind over the same distance. Participants in the short distance did only one loop. Some registered on the long distance have thus switched to the short by making only one loop.

Merci aux bénévoles et à l’équipe du Tropical Corner

Encore plus que d’habitude un grand merci à l’équipe des bénévoles qui ont assuré l’organisation de la course avec l’équipe du Tropical Corner en l’absence de l’organisateur de l’Alpine Lakes Tour indisponible.

Even more than usual, a big thank you to the team of volunteers who organized the race with the Tropical Corner team in the absence of the organizer of the Alpine Lakes Tour unavailable.

Les inscriptions pour l’étape suivante, l’Alpine Lakes Tour Canal de Savières et Lac du Bourget (initialement prévue les 18 et 19 avril) sont ouvertes ! Suivront l’Alpine Paradise Race (12 et 13 septembre), les championnats de France eaux intérieures (10 et 11 octobre) et la Very Flat Race (1er novembre) !

Registration for the next stage, the Alpine Lakes Tour Canal de Savières and Lake Bourget (initially scheduled for April 18 and 19) is open! Then we will have the Alpine Paradise Race (September 12 and 13), the French Inland Water Championships (October 10 and 11) and the Very Flat Race (November 1)!

Résultats Tropical Race

Interview Vadim Khudyakov and Ocean camp presentation

Vadim Khudyakov
5 days to go before the GlaGla Race 2019 ! Are you ready ? We continue with our interviews and partner presentation with Vadim Khudyakov from Russia and Ocean Paddlecamp a new partner.
Hello Vadim !
Who are you ?
I am SUP Athlete and just good boy.
I am from Kaliningrad, it’s in Russia. I’ve been paddling for 2 years. I like windsurfing, skiing and kiteboarding…
Vadim KhudyakovWhere do you paddle ?
-River, lake and Baltic Sea
It’s your first GlaGla Race ? why did you register ?
yes It’s my first GlaGla Race. Just I like traveling, paddling and meet with SUP friendsIs SUP popular in Russia ?
Not so much like in France

Where are the best spots to practice ?
All spots are the best, the last of interesting places was Atlantic Ocean.


Interview Amaury Dormet, manager of the Ocean Paddle Camp

Ocean Paddle Camp is new GlaGla Race partner and Amaury Dormet is offering a very price !

Hello Amaury!

ocean paddle camp

1-Who are you? Since how long and why do you practice the Stand Up Paddle?

My name is Amaury DORMET and it’s 35 years that i am paddling. I started with the rowing with a very good level as athlete and then as a coach for 15 years, this was my job. Then, i needed some change and it is the ocean water paddle activities anowered to my expectation. Surf Life saving, prone paddling, outrigger canoe, Stand Up Paddle, and now foil. So it is 20 years that i am exploring all kinds of paddle activities who slide on and with the ocean.

To not be specialist don’t stop me to perform. I must have a national podium with all these activities and did some good performance in 2018 into 3 different sport federation.

ocean paddle camp

2-Can you tell us about the Ocean Paddle Camp? It is for who and what are we doing?

In 2018 i start a down wind center in Brittany with the Ocean Paddle Camp. The concept is to offer to each paddler a way to learn and progress on all different paddling activities such as SUP, prone paddle and outrigger canoe. We organize week and weekend training course with a team athlete guess who is reinforcing the management. Everyday, we intervene about paddling technic, physic exercise and adaptation to the ocean environment.

The peninsula of Crozon is a wonderfull location who i perfect to enjoy paddle activities. The past saison, 62 paddler come to our training camp. Crozon/Morgat is located in the middle of the Brest harbor, the bay of Dournenez and the Iroise sea, we can slide every single day of the year.

ocean paddle camp

With our partnership, Ocean Perf, Swell Addiction Brest, Side Shore, Glazsea à Morlaix, Direct Sailing la Baule et 3 Bay we also suggest to try a lot of material , included in the training course. One great opportunity to test the new things from some of the big brand of paddle, boards and outrigger canoe.

But ocean Paddle Camp is also a big house in Morgat, 200 meters from the beach, with all confort and facility a paddler dream off. (Gym room, sauna, drying space…..)

More information on www.oceanpaddlecamp.com

3-The Glaglarace inspire you?

I can’t wait to discover the Glaglarace. I heard a lot as a great event. I also organise myself some event in the Crozon peninsula, some nice race like the Presqu’île Paddle Race or the Morgat Waterman Challenge who are ocean race. So, yes, very curious to see about this this race who is very different of what i know. I think i will learn a lot.

And this year, Glaglarace is also a partner of the Ocean Paddle Camp that will allow one of the participants to win an internship. We are very happy about this partnership, it’s a bridge between our 2 county for the same paddling and sliding passion.

Nick Crettenand remporte le downwind de Serre-Ponçon

nick crettenand outdoormix festivalAprès être resté longtemps derrière Dan Gavere (USA), Nick Crettenand (Suisse) remporte le 1er downwind de l’Alpine Lakes Tour qui a eu lieu hier sur le lac de Serre Ponçon dans le cadre de l’Outdoormix Festival devant Dan Gavere (USA) et Valentin Illichman (Allemagne). Chez les femmes, Iva Dundova (République Tchèque) l’emporte.

Nick Crettenand (Switzerland) won yesterday the first downwind race organized by the Alpine Lakes Tour at the Outdoormix Festival on Lake Serre Ponçon. He was behind Dan Gavere (USA) for a while and jumped first in the last three kilometers. Valentin Illichman (Germany) is third. Iva Dundova (Czech Republic) is the first woman.

Continue reading “Nick Crettenand remporte le downwind de Serre-Ponçon”

Ne manquez pas le downwind sur le lac de Serre-Ponçon dimanche!

downwind outdoormix festival alpine lakes tour serre ponconLes prévisions météo locales sont bonnes ! Aux dires des locaux : vent bien dans l’axe dimanche avec 15 nœuds minimum et un peu de swell… 30 cm. En revanche l’eau est froide : 8 à 10°c en raison des chutes de neige récentes et des eaux de fonte.

Leash, combinaison et gilet de sauvetage obligatoire. Les SUP Foil sont autorisés et seront classés hors catégorie.

Course prévue dimanche 8 mai à 17h

Continue reading “Ne manquez pas le downwind sur le lac de Serre-Ponçon dimanche!”

Prochaine étape à l’Outdoor Mix Festival!

outdoormix festival embrun stand up paddle alpine lakes tour

La prochaine étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour aura lieu à Embrun et sur le lac de Serre-Ponçon ! Dragon & kids race, Beach Race et surtout pour la première fois un downwind sur un lac ! Le thermique souvent présent sur Serre Ponçon nous donne une bonne  probabilité d’une superbe course !

Inscriptions sur Outdoor Mix Festival / + D’infos sur leur page Facebook

Continue reading “Prochaine étape à l’Outdoor Mix Festival!”

Downwind sur le lac de Serre-Ponçon à l’Outdoor Mix Festival !

Un downwind sur une étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour ! Avec les organisateurs de l’Outdoor Mix Festival, nous vous proposons pour la 3e étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour un downwind sur un lac ! Le lac de Serre Ponçon est réputé pour son thermique, profitons-en ! Le parcours fera un 11 km si les conditions sont bonnes. La course est autorisée au SUP Foil qui seront classés à part.

Très vite plus d’infos ! Inscrivez vous à l’Outdoor Mix Festival pour participer à cette 3e étape 2017 de l’Alpine Lakes Tour après celle d’Aiguebelette, la Very Flat Race de demain !