Alpine Paradise Race : updated Schedule / Mise à jour / Aggiornamento

weather forecast Lake Place Moulin Alpine Paradise Race

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Due to the bad weather conditions forecast for Saturday, the program had to be modified. On the other hand, great weather is forecast for Sunday!

A causa delle avverse condizioni meteorologiche previste per sabato, il programma ha dovuto essere modificato. Domenica invece è previsto bel tempo!

En raison des mauvaises conditions météo prévues samedi le programme a du être modifié. En revanche grand beau temps prévu dimanche !

The program may be modified depending on weather conditions. The races can take place between Saturday morning 11 a.m. and Sunday 2 p.m.

Lac de Place Moulin 19 septembre 2023

Programme / Schedule / Programma

Thursday September 21

Suggested hikes : Lac Mort (3000m altitude) or the lac Gouillet or Lac de Tsignanaz

Friday September 22

from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the dam to the refuge

Free reconnaissance of the course (the buoys will have been placed in the morning)

7:30 p.m. meal at the refuge Prarayer (you have to book your meal directly to the refuge)

Saturday September 23

9am -12am by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the dam to the refuge

Free reconnaissance of the course
3pm technical race
4pm dragon race & podiums
6pm -7pm by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the the refuge back to the dam
7:30 p.m. dinner at the refuge (you have to book your meal directly to the refuge)

Sunday, September 24

9:30 am: free tea & coffee on the beach close to the starting zone.

10:30am Long distance run 10 km / Short distance: 5 km

1pm prize award ceremony

2pm-4pm by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the the refuge back to the dam

Meals by reservation at the Prarayer refuge for lunch and dinner. Recommended accommodation at the Prarayer refuge just above the departure beach.