Malgré des conditions météo automnales, l’ambiance était joyeuse hier au Tropical Corner ou 70 concurrent(e)s se font affrontés sur 7 courses tout au long de la journée !
Un grand bravo à Sebastien Jalmain vainqueur de la longue distance (11 km) et à Florence Julen vainqueur chez les femmes sur la longue distance (11 km)
Bravo à tous les kids qui se sont affrontés sur 4 courses : la junior race du matin (3 km), la kids Race, les sprints kids et la Dragon Race !
Un immense merci à nos amis du Tropical Corner pour leur accueil et à Red Paddle Co pour leur soutien.
Merci à Eric Terrien d’etre venu participer à la Tropical Race, 8 ans après sa dernière course en SUP Race ! Bravo pour sa victoire avec les “chasses d’eau” sur la Dragon Race 😉
Despite autumnal weather conditions, the atmosphere was joyful yesterday at the Tropical Corner where 70 competitors competed in 7 races throughout the day!
Congratulations to Sebastien Jalmain (France), winner of the long distance (11 km) and to Florence Julen (Switzerland), winner of the women’s long distance (11 km)
Congratulations to all the kids who competed in 4 races: the morning junior race (3 km), the kids Race, the kids sprints and the Dragon Race!
A huge thank you to our friends at Tropical Corner for their welcome and to Red Paddle Co for their support.
Thanks to Eric Terrien for coming to participate in the Tropical Race, 8 years after his last SUP Race! Congratulations for his victory with the “flushing” in the Dragon Race 😉
Tropical Race results / Les résultats
Long Distance / Longue distance
1 | 01:08:44 | JALMAIN | Sébastien | M | L | 14′ | R |
2 | 01:10:25 | CRETTENAND | Nick | M | L | 14′ | R |
3 | 01:11:44 | DENIS | Nathan | M | L | 14′ | R |
4 | 01:12:38 | KLEMANOVITS | Mark | M | L | 14′ | R |
5 | 01:14:18 | DARGEOU | JPhi | M | L | 14′ | R |
6 | 01:14:48 | PETROGNANI | Bernard | M | L | 14′ | R |
7 | 01:16:17 | EVÉQUOZ | Bertrand | M | L | 14′ | R |
8 | 01:16:41 | JULEN | Florence | W | L | 14′ | R |
9 | 01:17:56 | TERRIEN | Eric | M | L | 14′ | R |
10 | 01:21:19 | HODGE | Kevin | M | L | 14′ | R |
11 | 01:21:36 | NOYELLE | Guillaume | M | L | 14′ | R |
12 | 01:26:16 | VALTERIO | Nicolas | M | L | 14′ | R |
13 | 01:27:48 | LAPALUD | Olivier | M | L | 14′ | R |
14 | 01:28:48 | DENIS | Alexandre | M | L | 14′ | R |
15 | 01:30:05 | DUISIT | Nicolas | M | L | 14′ | G |
16 | 01:30:40 | ALBULESE | Cornel | M | L | 14′ | R |
17 | 01:31:28 | REINARES | Xabi | M | L | 14′ | R |
18 | 01:33:57 | WEIBEL | jonathan | M | L | Prone | Prone |
19 | 01:35:04 | BUFFET | Christophe | M | L | 14′ | G |
20 | 01:35:28 | DENIS | HERVÉ | M | L | 14′ | G |
21 | 01:48:04 | HODGE | Lesley | W | L | 14′ | R |
22 | 02:04:52 | LOZANO | Hélène & Jean-Marie | W | L | Tandem | 0 |
23 | 02:16:19 | ROBERT | Elodie | W | L | 14′ | G |
Short Distance results / Résultats courte distance
1 | 00:37:54 | ROSARIO DO NASCIMENTO | Renato | M | C | 14′ | G |
2 | 00:38:33 | ARMAINGAUD | Yves | M | C | 14′ | R |
3 | 00:39:34 | MOREILLON | Nicolas | M | C | 14′ | R |
4 | 00:41:33 | MARTIN | Stephane | M | C | 14′ | R |
5 | 00:43:25 | GIRAUD | Julien | M | C | 12’6 | R |
6 | 00:43:29 | VAQUIN | Steve | M | C | 14′ | R |
7 | 00:44:25 | BLANCHARD | Marilyn | W | C | 12’6 | G |
8 | 00:44:35 | DUPAYAGE | Jacques | M | C | 12’6 | G |
9 | 00:46:22 | CAMHIS | Marcos | M | C | 14′ | R |
10 | 00:47:40 | DUISIT | Théo | M | C | 14′ | G |
11 | 00:50:40 | BUI | Aurore | W | C | 14′ | G |
12 | 00:50:55 | DESHUSSES | Laurent | M | C | 12’6 | G |
13 | 00:56:42 | DUISIT | Luka | M | C | 14′ | G |
Junior Race results / resultats
1 | 00:23:49 | Henriot | Gabriel | M |
2 | 00:24:12 | JALMAIN | Maya | W |
3 | 00:24:40 | Dutruel | Lucie | W |
4 | 00:25:02 | Soulis | Lou | W |
5 | 00:29:02 | Voisin | Teilo | M |
6 | 00:30:00 | Herbreteau | Anna | W |
7 | 00:33:52 | BUI | Fantine | W |
8 | 00:34:09 | Feron | Lubin | M |
9 | 00:34:43 | JALMAIN | Lou | W |
More results & pictures coming soon !