Alpine Paradise Race : registration opening / apertura delle iscrizioni / ouverture des inscriptions

Alpine Paradise Race 2024

L’Alpine Paradise Race è la gara di stand up paddle più alta del mondo 🙂 Alpine Lakes ti porta alle vette dello stand up paddle! Vivi un’esperienza unica, unendo i piaceri degli sport acquatici e la scoperta dell’alta montagna, il tutto con la qualità dell’accoglienza e della gastronomia valdostana!

The Alpine Paradise Race is the highest stand up paddle race in the world 🙂 Alpine Lakes takes you to the heights of stand up paddle boarding! Live a unique experience, combining the pleasures of water sports and the discovery of the high mountains, all with the quality of the welcome and the Aosta Valley gastronomy!

L’Alpine Paradise Race est la plus course de stand up paddle la plus élevée au monde 🙂 L’Alpine Lakes vous emmène tutoyer les sommets du stand up paddle ! Vivez une expérience unique, mêlant les plaisirs de la glisse sur l’eau et de la découverte de la haute montagne, le tout avec la qualité de l’accueil et la gastronomie valdotaine !

Iscrizione / Registration / Inscription – Alpine Paradise Race

Video Alpine Paradise Race

Alpine Paradise Race : Results & pictures !

  • Alpine Paradise Race

The Alpine Paradise Race 2021 took place on Lake Place Moulin on saturday 25th. We had a sunny day with mild temperature. The Lake is at 2000m high in the Aosta Valley. It’s a really wild place with a confortable Refuge very close to the event location.

L’Alpine Paradise Race 2021 si è svolta sabato 25 sul Lake Place Moulin. Abbiamo avuto una giornata di sole con temperatura mite. Il Lago si trova a 2000 m di altezza in Valle d’Aosta. E’ un luogo davvero selvaggio con un confortevole Rifugio molto vicino alla location dell’evento.

L’Alpine Paradise Race 2021 s’est déroulée sur le lac Place Moulin le samedi 25. Nous avons eu une journée ensoleillée avec une température douce. Le lac est à 2000m d’altitude dans la Vallée d’Aoste. C’est un endroit vraiment sauvage avec un refuge confortable très proche du lieu de l’événement.

Continue reading “Alpine Paradise Race : Results & pictures !”

Alpine Paradise Race 2021 is over ! Let’s have a look to some beautiful pictures :-)

The Alpine Paradise Race took place yesterday on lake Place Moulin (Aosta Valley, Italy)

A huge thank you to Patrizio and all the Bionaz Family for their help ! Rifugio Prarayer is an incredible place and without their help, it would have been impossible to organize the event !

A big thank you to the CVA for their help ! And of course to our fantastic Alpine Lakes Tour team : Angélique, Arnaud, Guillaume, Philippe & Philippe, Sebastien, Alexis for the pictures and Yoann for the videos ! Thanks Sarah for all the work behind the Scene.

L’Alpine Paradise Race si è svolta ieri sul lago Place Moulin (Valle d’Aosta, Italia)

Un enorme grazie a Patrizio ea tutta la Famiglia Bionaz per il loro aiuto! Il Rifugio Prarayer è un posto incredibile e senza il loro aiuto sarebbe stato impossibile organizzare l’evento!

Un grande ringraziamento al CVA per il loro aiuto! E naturalmente al nostro fantastico team dell’Alpine Lakes Tour: Angélique, Arnaud, Guillaume, Philippe & Philippe, Sebastien, Alexis per le foto e Yoann per i video! Grazie Sarah per tutto il lavoro dietro le quinte.

L’Alpine Paradise Race s’est déroulée hier sur le lac Place Moulin (Val d’Aoste, Italie)

Un grand merci à Patrizio et à toute la Famille Bionaz pour leur aide ! Le Rifugio Prarayer est un endroit incroyable et sans leur aide, il aurait été impossible d’organiser l’événement !

Un grand merci au CVA pour son aide ! Et bien sûr à notre fantastique équipe Alpine Lakes Tour : Angélique, Arnaud, Guillaume, Philippe & Philippe, Sébastien, Alexis pour les photos et Yoann pour les vidéos ! Merci Sarah pour tout le travail derrière la scène.

Alpine Lakes Tour next stage : Alpine Paradise Race, la prochaine étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour ! (Aosta Valley, italy)

While the Alpine Lakes Tour Canal de Savières has just, after 7 editions carried out without any problem, be banned by the prefecture of Savoie because of the traffic of motor boats on the canal …. (see our article at this subject), we are actively preparing one of the most promising stages of the Tour: the Alpine Paradise Race in Valle d’Aosta, this will be the 2nd edition. Registration opening : Monday July 19, 2021 from 6 p.m.

Alors que l’Alpine Lakes Tour Canal de Savières vient, après 7 éditions réalisées sans aucun problème, d’être interdite par la préfecture de la Savoie en raison du trafic des bateaux à moteur sur le canal…. (voir notre article à ce sujet), nous préparons activement une des étapes les plus prometteuses du Tour : l’Alpine Paradise Race dans le Val d’Aoste, ce sera la 2e édition. L’ouverture des inscriptions aura lieu lundi 19 juillet 2021 à partir de 18h.

The Alpine Lakes Stage named “Alpine Paradise Race” will be held in Italy (Aosta Valley) high in the mountains on a beautiful turquoise blue lake on saturday september 25th and sunday 26th, 2021. There is a cosy hut just 50 m over the lake and the start line where we can host 76 people. It is also possible to set up a few tents close to the hut or It is also possible to camp near the refuge or to take a hotel (or other lodging / airbnb) in the valley of the Valpelline in Bionaz in particular.

La nouvelle étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour baptisée “Alpine Paradise Race” aura lieu en Italie (dans la vallée d’Aoste) à 2000m d’altitude sur un magnifique lac aux eaux turquoises. cette étape aura lieu les 25 et 26 septembre 2021. Il y a un refuge confortable 50m au dessus du lac et tout près de la ligne de départ. Il est aussi possible de camper à proximité du refuge ou de prendre un hôtel (ou autre gîte / airbnb) dans la vallée de la Valpelline à Bionaz notamment.

La nuova tappa dei Alpine Lakes Tour denominata «Alpine Paradise Race» si svolgerà in Italia (Valle d’Aosta) in alta montagna su un bellissimo lago blu turchese sabato 12 settembre e domenica 13 settembre. C’è una capanna accogliente a soli 50 m sul lago e la linea di partenza dove possiamo ospitare 76 persone. E’ possibile anche campeggiare vicino al rifugio o prendere un albergo (o altro alloggio/airbnb) nella valle della Valpelline in particolare a Bionaz.

Questa nuova tappa del Tour dell Alpine Lakes Tour rappresenta per noi un culmine del concetto con un lago incontaminato in un sito di alta montagna e un rifugio.

Alpine Paradise Race : wir haben das Paradies für ein Sup-Rennen gefunden! Das Juwel der Alpine Lakes Tour 2019 : ein Bergsee auf 2000 m, türkisblaues Wasser, umgeben von 4000’der Bergkipfel und Gletschern! Das ist der See ‚ Place Moulin‘ im Aostatal, an der Grenze zur Schweiz und Frankreich !

Übernchtung: eine Berghütte mit Sauna und Jacuzzi, gerade oberhalb des Sees ! Es ist auch möglich, in der Nähe der Schutzhütte zu campen oder ein Hotel (oder eine andere Unterkunft / Airbnb) im Tal der Valpelline insbesondere in Bionaz zu nehmen.

Inscription / Registration

La nuova tappa dei Alpine Lakes Tour denominata «Alpine Paradise Race» si svolgerà in Italia (Valle d’Aosta)

Una nuova avventura !

La nuova tappa dei Alpine Lakes Tour denominata «Alpine Paradise Race» si svolgerà in Italia (Valle d’Aosta) in alta montagna su un bellissimo lago blu turchese sabato 21 settembre e domenica 22 settembre. C’è una capanna accogliente a soli 50 m sul lago e la linea di partenza dove possiamo ospitare 76 persone. È anche possibile installare alcune tende vicino alla capanna.

Questa nuova tappa del Tour dell Alpine Lakes Tour rappresenta per noi un culmine del concetto con un lago incontaminato in un sito di alta montagna e un rifugio.

refuge prarayer lac de place moulin

Continue reading “La nuova tappa dei Alpine Lakes Tour denominata «Alpine Paradise Race» si svolgerà in Italia (Valle d’Aosta)”

Alpine Paradise Race : registration is open / inscriptions ouvertes

Alpine Paradise Race Lac de Place Moulin vallée aoste

The new Alpine Lakes Stage named “Alpine Paradise Race” will be held in Italy (Aosta Valley) high in the mountains on a beautiful turquoise blue lake on saturday september 21st and sunday 22nd. There is a cosy hut just 50 m over the lake and the start line where we can host 76 people. It is also possible to set up a few tents close to the hut.

Registration is now open (see below)

La nouvelle étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour baptisée “Alpine Paradise Race” aura lieu en Italie (dans la vallée d’Aoste) à 2000m d’altitude sur un magnifique lac aux eaux turquoises. cette étape aura lieu les 21 et 22 septembre prochains. Il y a refuge confortable 50m au dessus du lac et tout près de la ligne de départ.

Les inscriptions sont maintenant ouvertes. (voir plus bas)

La nuova tappa dei Alpine Lakes Tour denominata «Alpine Paradise Race» si svolgerà in Italia (Valle d’Aosta) in alta montagna su un bellissimo lago blu turchese sabato 21 settembre e domenica 22 settembre. C’è una capanna accogliente a soli 50 m sul lago e la linea di partenza dove possiamo ospitare 76 persone. È anche possibile installare alcune tende vicino alla capanna.

Le registrazioni sono ora aperte. (vedi sotto)

refuge prarayer lac de place moulin

Un site magnifique ! Une course qui s’annonce superbe, nouveau point d’orgue de l’Alpine Lakes Tour !

A beautiful place ! A SUP Race that will a absoluty incredible for sure ! The new “high point” of the Alpine Lakes Tour ! Don’t miss it !

Accès / Access Lac de Place Moulin – Place Moulin lake

route accès lac de place moulin alpine paradise race

The Lake of Place Moulin is located 45 minutes from Aosta (capital of the Aosta Valley) in Italy.

The path to get to the Prarayer Hut is a walking path. We will have a truck with a trailer to carry the boards.

There a parking lot just before the damn, at the beginning of the lake. (parking fee required)

lac place moulin

Le lac de Place Moulin est situé à 45 minutes d’Aoste, val d’Aoste Italie.

Le chemin d’accès au refuge et au point de départ des courses étant piéton, nous allons mettre en place un acheminement en 4×4 avec remorque.

Il y a un parking (payant) au bout de la route, au niveau du barrage, à 4 km du refuge.

Alpine Paradise Race concept & Schedule

There are several very special things about this new race, the location at the foot of huge mountains at the swiss border covered with snow and glaciers (the Matterhorn is very close) and also the Prarayer hut just 50 meters over the lake and the start line with make the experience very special, a mix of mountain atmosphere and water activities. We will first open registrations for those who want to stay at the hut (76 beds). Then we will open to those who wish to camp (there is a nice spot very close to the hut) and take their meals at the hut.

Don’t call the hut, we booked all the rooms / dormitories for the 2 nights (friday&saturday)

Rates for the Prarayer Hut

Double bed room: full board 75,00 €
Bunk bed 6 beds full board 65.00 €
Bunk bed big dormitory: 60,00 €

Sleeping bags are obligatory in dormitory. rentable at 3 € Double rooms are surplied with sweet.

More information on the Prarayer Hut website

Alpine Paradise Race Schedule

  • Friday 20th : Welcome drink + transportation of boards
  • Saturday 21st 10 am : Long Distance Race (10 km)
  • Saturday 21st 3 pm : Kids Race
  • Saturday 21st 4pm : Dragon Race
  • Sunday 22nd 10am : Technical Race

Le concept de l’Alpine Paradise Race et le programme prévisionnel

  • Vendredi 20 : Pot d’accueil + transport des planches
  • Samedi 21 – 10h : Course longue distance 10 km
  • Samedi 21 – 15h : Kids Race
  • Dimanche 22 – 10 h : Technical Race

L’intérêt de cette course est bien sûr le lac et le site au pied des sommets de plus de 4000m à la frontière suisse (le Cervin est tout près à vol d’oiseau) mais aussi le refuge qui permet d’offrir une expérience unique, un mélange d’ambiance haute montagne et d’une activité nautique. Nous allons donc ouvrir d’abord les inscriptions aux personnes qui souhaitent réserver une place au refuge. Le nombre de places est de 76, il y aussi la possibilité de camper au dessus du refuge et de prendre ses repas au refuge.

N’appelez pas le refuge, nous avons réservé toutes les chambres & dortoirs pour les nuits du vendredi et samedi.

Tarifs pour le refuge de Prarayer (pension complète)

Lit a 2 places: pension complète 75,00 €
Lits superposés à 6 places 65,00 €
Lits superposés grand dortoir 60,00 €


  • Draps inclus en chambre double
  • Sac de couchage obligatoire pour les chambres avec les lits superposés loué au refuge à 3 €

Plus d’infos sur le site web du refuge de Prarayer

Registration / Inscriptions


GlaGla Race : 16 days to go : interview Leonard Nika and Paddle League presentation

Leonard Nika
Leonard Nika (GlaGla Race 2018)

We continue with our daily interviews about GlaGla Race participants. Today Leonard Nika, one of the top paddlers in the world.

Leo, it’s your third GlaGla Race, what do you like about this event ?

I like the GlaGla Race because it’s in a beautiful location, paddling with 400 people in a lake surrounded with beautiful mountains full of snow is something that you can’t do every day and always well organized. I like also the challenge of this race, because there is always good competitors to test my strength in off season.

This year I will try to improve my 2nd place in a photo finish and bring home the victory!

Leonard nika vs Tom Auber

Do you have a special training programme or preparation for winter conditions ?

I don’t have a special training for winter conditions, the only thing I do when is winter is to make sure that my feet and my body are always well protected with thicker neoprene so they stays always warm.

2019 is just starting ! Your resolutions and/or projects for this new year ?

My plans for this year are a bit different from last year, instead of doing every weekend a race I will focus more in my training for a big event to maximize the possibility of a victory!! I also will work on my sup training camps in Portugal that I started last year and it was a great success. This year we have available one week per month for all 2019 sup training camps for everyone that want to train hard having fun with a supervision of my self and my brother Claudio Nika. If someone is interested you have to send an e-mail to to get more info.

Thank you for this interview and I’m very looking forward to compete at the GlaGla Race in few weeks,


The Paddle League

The Paddle League

The Paddle  League was created in 2018. The GlaGla Race will be the first Paddle League event of 2019.

“Welcome to The Paddle League, where we aim to help build a better, brighter and more sustainable future for stand up paddling that benefits everyone who’s part of this amazing community.

We’re aiming to help unify, elevate and grow the great standalone events around the world while providing the elite athletes, weekend warriors, brands, fans and media a wider platform to stand on.

We also firmly believe in reconnecting SUP with its “grassroots” foundation, which means a stronger emphasis on amateurs, juniors and simply getting more people out there on the water for the first time. Because that’s the heart of our sport.

The Paddle League, which I’ve helped to co-found over the past six months with my good mates Kelly Margetts and Brian Meyer (along with the support of many other selfless paddlers), aims to achieve this by creating a unified, inclusive world tour (an evolution of the SUP Racer World Rankings) that connects everything from the awesome international events to the amazing regional races.”

More about the Paddle League

Etape à Turin annulée par les organisateurs – Torino stop canceled


Nous avons appris ce matin par les organisateurs de la Stratoriver, course support de la 2ème étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour 2015 son report une date indéterminée. Pas de 2ème étape à Turin donc malheureusement.

We were informed this morning by the Stratoriver organizer that the race was canceled. The second stop of the Alpine Lakes Tour won’t be held in Torino. Sorry for those who have already booked their trip to Torino.

Nous sommes désolés pour ceux qui avaient (comme nous) déjà réservé leur séjour dans la capitale Piémontaise. Sur les courses qui ne sont directement organisées par le team de l’Alpine Lakes Tour (widiwici / Annecy Stand Up Paddle Club), nous avons forcément moins de contrôle. Nous travaillons sur 2 autres étapes qui pourraient être ajoutées au calendrier 2015. Des nouvelles très vite.

Ajout du 19 mars : Après avoir cherché avec les organisateurs une solution de repli pour maintenir une course le week-end du 11/12 avril, notamment sur le lac d’Avigliana, force est de constater qu’il ne sera pas possible d’arriver à quelque chose de satisfaisant.

Update March 19th : We tried to find a solution with the Stratoriver organizers to keep an Italian stop on April 11&12th. Unfortunately, no satisfactory solution was found.


Benvenuti ai partecipanti italiani dell’Alpine Lakes Tour

benvenuto ai partecipanti italiani che raggiungeranno i ranghi dell'Alpine Lakes TourDiamo il benvenuto ai partecipanti italiani che raggiungeranno i ranghi dell’Alpine Lakes Tour quest’anno!

L’Alpine Lakes Tour è un concetto creato per far scoprire ai praticanti di SUP che non è ncessario vivere sul lungomare per approfittare al massimo di questo sport. Infatti questo torneo vi porterà sui più bei laghi alpini francesi e svizzeri, ai piedi di pizzi innevati e in valli selvagge, dove potrete remare in piena natura e tra paesaggi mozzafiato!

Per questo terzo anno di attività delle novità saranno aggiunte, tra cui una prima mondiale (ancora segreta) e con la Stratoriver di Torino che fungerà da prima tappa italiana del torneo!

Avete fretta di rimettere i piedi sulla vostra tavola? L’organizzatore dell’Alpine Lakes Tour è pure l’inventore della Glagla Race, una gara praticata in pieno inverno sul cristallino lago di Annecy, in Savoia. La seconda edizione si terrà il sabato 24 gennaio 2015. Il mattino avrete la scelta tra una corsa lunga ed una corta distanza. Il pomeriggio è prevista una beach race.

Sono attesi fino a 100 atleti per questo evento di apertura della stagione 2015! Vi aspettiamo!