GlaGla Race 2020 : it’s time to register !

GlaGla Race Talloires lac d'Annecy

71 days to go before the GlaGla Race 2020 ! Time goes fast ! It’s time to register if you want to better prepare your stay at Lake Annecy.

Version française de cet article ici

The 7th annual edition of this unique event looks set to attract one of the largest fields in the world, with a stunning backdrop of snow-covered mountains providing a picturesque paddling experience for the 800 competitors expected on the start line in Talloires, Lake Annecy.

How to prepare for the GlaGla Race 2020 ?

1. Register : The first step to mark your commitment to the challenge !

Buy online via the Weezevent module

If it doesn’t work try this link or send us an e-mail :

GlaGlaRace Grand Bornand 2020

2. Book you stay at le Grand-Bornand

You are coming to Talloires in winter for the GlaGla Race, take the opportunity to enrich your experience with a ski trip from 3 days to a week at Grand-Bornand, ski resort and mountain village 30 km from Talloires.

Le Grand-Bornand is offering all GlaGla Race 2020 registrants a 35% discount on ski passes for people staying 2 days or more at The Grand-Bornand. For more information and to book your stay, you can talk to Perrine or send her a message. ( tel : 0033 (0)4 50 02 78 06 –  e-mail : or via Le Grand-Bornand website )

Le Grand-Bornand also offers a special offer for all participants, on presentation of their GlaGla Race ticket: 25 € the day pass instead of 36 €, or 30% discount.

hotel clos marcel duingt

3. Book your accommodation

To get a nice accommodation close to the beach of Talloires (where the GlaGla Race is taking place), book your accommodation quickly !

A few recommandations : in Talloires : Les Alerions & Florimontane. You can also check the special GlaGla Race page made by Lake Annecy Tourist office or check Les sources du lac website.

Glagla race : winter and cold

4. Check safety instructions

The GlaGla Race is open to competitors of all levels but as it’s happening in the middle of winter it may be cold and the water temperature is around 4 to 6°c (39 to 43 F) and so you need a dry suit or wetsuit and a good warm up.

Safety instructions in English are here.

glagla race check list

5. Make you check list

Making your check list enables you to be 100% ready before leaving, it also gets you in the mind of the race, it’s like you are already there, getting focused before the start signal is issued !

training the cold

6. Build your training program

It getting colder and harder to go out so the GlaGla Race is a good way to get motivated to train when it’s getting cold and stay in a good shape and enjoy the pleasure of doing things that you would not have done otherwise.

motivation and friends

7. Motivate your friends! It’s easier and more fun when we are numerous

The GlaGla Race is a more than a race, it’s a experience that you can share with friends and in which you will make new friends ! Rare moments and memories for life !

glagla race training

8. Share photos & videos about your training sessions for the GlaGla Race !

People come from many countries for the GlaGla Race (22 in 2019), sharing your photos and videos about your training is a nice way to get in touch with other participants ! You can share them on the Alpine Lakes Tour Facebook page or on the Alpine Lakes tour group page !

Contact us if you have more ideas or questions  :

More info about the GlaGla Race 2020

GlaGla Race : D-Day ! C’est parti pour la GlaGla Race 2019

GlaGla Race 2019 is on ! C’est parti pour la GlaGla Race 2019 ! Les conditions météo s’annoncent parfaites : du froid et du soleil, peu ou pas de vent ! Weather forecasts look very good : sunny, cold and light wind !

Pour nous suivre en live rendez-vous sur / To follow us Live go to

La Page Facebook de The Paddle League à partir de 10 h heure / The Paddle League Facebook Page starting at 10 am local time

Le programme de la journée : Today’s schedule

7h30 / 09h30 : accueil des participants et retrait des dossards 1er étage Savoyarde /
welcome coffee / tea + bib pick up in La Savoyarde building
09h50 : Skipper’s Meeting /Briefing
10h10: Warm Up / échauffement
10h30 : départ courses CD et LD / start and short distance races
10h30/11h30 : pour les spectateurs : vin chaud, café et viennoiseries offerts au Clos
Marcel. / For spectators : free coffee and croissant at the Clos Marcel.
12h00 / 14h : déjeuner avec 3 food trucks / Lunch (3 food trucks)
13h : Dragon World Series : course à 4 (sur Red Paddle Dragon prêtée, gratuit) –
inscriptions via la page Facebook / Race on Red Paddle Dragon board, free / register on
14h30 : Technical Race
15h30 : After Race en musique
16h30 : Remise des prix / Prices ceremony