The Bat Race : The World’s First Underground SUP Event

st-leonard-corne-suisse-600The Bat Race  : The world’s first underground stand up paddling competition on Europe’s largest underground lake in St-Léonard, Valais, Switzerland on 14th March 2015.

Riders will compete in sprint races in a double elimination tournament. Time for strolling on the lake and fun activities are also on the day’s schedule.

The event is baptised Bat Race in reference to the mammals that populate the cave where the event will take place.

Registration, limited to 40 riders, opens on 24th February 2015 at 20:00 CE on this website. Get ready !

Recently named a candidate for “the world’s most beautiful SUP race series” shortlist on, the Alpine Lakes Tour features races on the Alps’ most breathtaking lakes. No waves or coconut trees – here it’s crystal turquoise water, wild nature and snowy peaks that build the stage on which the tour’s competitors race year-round since 2013. Initially held in France and Switzerland, in 2015 the tournament will extend its reach to Italy with a race in the city of Turin. The tour launches its third edition with this world premiere organised with Swiss partner Alps SUP.

Lake St-Léonard is Europe’s largest underground lake. The about 300 m long pool is housed in a cave hidden in mountainside in the beautiful region of Valais, known for its vineyards, apricot orchards and world-class ski resorts. Mostly unaffected by the seasons change, the lake’s water is at a constant 11°C year-round and the air temperature in the cave averages 15°C. The lake is open to the public from March to October and can be visited through guided tours, which bring visitors on a rowing boat tour through the lake’s several bays.

Stand up paddling on the lake is forbidden and has been granted exclusively to the Alpine Lakes Tour for this unique event!

Event description

In order to avoid overcrowding and guarantee the lake’s magic stillness to all participants, registration is limited to 40 entrants. 25 further non-competitors can register as spectators. They will have the chance to paddle on the lake and take part to the SUP game scheduled at mid-event. One-design 12’6 inflatable race boards will be provided by the organiser. Competitors will be free to use their own paddles.

The tournament includes 3 rounds of which all competitors will race at least the first two. A different course and distance is planned for each round:


Round approx. distance buoy turns competitors per heat
Round 1 1 km 3 4
Round 2 550 m 4 4
Round 3 500 m 1 5
Final 1 km 3 6


It’s a tradition of the Alpine Lakes Tour to organise a SUP game (a SUP-related innovative and fun activity) at each event. Such a game will take place at one end of the lake at mid-event and will be open to all competitors, spectators and volunteers. Extra boards will be provided for free strolling on the remainder of the lake.

More information contact Marc Nava : / Phone +41 79 214 43 52

Toutes les infos sur la BAT RACE

lac de st léonard

Dernière mise à jour : 24/02/2015 – 14h30.

Avant de vous inscrire (à partir de mardi 24 février à 20h), veuillez consulter les informations ci-dessous relatives à l’organisation de cette 1ère étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour 2015 ! Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez envoyer un mail à Marc Nava ( ou l’appeler au +41 79 214 43 52. Cette course est une 1ère mondiale où seuls 40 privilégiés pourront participer… Bonne chance !

Vous pouvez télécharger le document en pdf “avis de course BAT RACE”

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Le 14 mars la 1ère SUP Race sous terre !

BAT RACE alpine lakes tour 2015L’Alpine Lakes Tour va démarrer en fanfare sa 3ème édition avec, samedi 14 mars, la 1ère course de stand up paddle au monde sous la surface de la Terre !

Rendez-vous donc pour cette 1ère mondiale au lac de St-Léonard, le plus grand lac souterrain d’Europe, situé dans le Valais (Suisse).

Cet événement tout à fait exceptionnel ouvrira la 3ème édition de l’Alpine Lakes Tour. Seuls les 40 premiers concurrents inscrits auront le privilège de tester en première mondiale ce concept.

widiwici, le fédérateur de sportifs imaginatifs organisateur du Tour, s’associe à la très dynamique association suisse, Alps SUP, pour cette étape inédite.

Ouverture des inscriptions ici même le 24 février 2015 à 20h précises ! Pour être averti en temps réel, inscrivez vous à la newsletter de l’Alpine Lakes Tour. (dans la colonne de gauche en home page de ce site)

Continue reading “Le 14 mars la 1ère SUP Race sous terre !”