La Very Flat Race 2024 s’est tenue dimanche 6 octobre sur le lac d’Aiguebelette en Savoie. C’était la 9e édition de cette course qui s’est d’abord tenue au printemps et à maintenant lieu chaque année au début du mois d’Octobre. Comme chaque année, nous avons fait le plein avec 100 participants (nombre maximum autorisé en raison du classement du lac en réserve naturelle). 6 pays était représentés : France, Suisse, Italie, Grande-Bretagne, Belgique et même les États-Unis avec la participation d’Eleni Pitses (de Grosse Pointe Park dans le Michigan).
L’édition 2025 est prévue le dimanche 5 octobre. (English translation below)
Les conditions étaient bien plus fraiche qu’en 2023 mais comparativement à ce qu’on a pu avoir tout ce début d’automne, on peut s’estimer heureux, d’avoir eu un temps calme avec juste quelque gouttes de pluie. Le lac était, comme promis, very flat !
Clap de fin du coup pour la saison 2024 de l’Alpine Lakes Tour ! Au compteur : 84 étapes organisées depuis juin 2013 en France, Suisse et Italie. Nous publierons dès que possible le classement 2024. Merci à tous pour votre participation. Comme annoncé dans notre dernière newsletter, nous faisons une pause et il n’y aura pas d’édition 2025 de la GlaGla Race à Talloires. La prochaine GlaGla Race aura lieu en janvier 2026.
Bravo à Ludovic Teulade, déjà vainqueur de la GlaGla Race en janvier dernier qui finit 1er de la longue distance en 1h12mn et 3 secondes juste devant Sebastien Jalmain en 1h12mn et 6 secondes. Sébastien améliore son temps de l’an dernier (1h13mn21″). Jean-Philippe Dargeou finit 3eme en 1h16’53”.
Bravo à Emmanuelle Marcon qui l’emporte chez les femmes en 1h20’27” devant Natalie Rendle (UK) (1h24’17”) et Edith Teulade (1h24’22”). Emmanuelle était 4eme l’an dernier et a largement amélioré son temps (1h23mn07″).
Sur la courte distance, très belle performance de Maya Jalmain (12 ans) qui termine 2e en 43’23”.

English version
The Very Flat Race 2024 was held on Sunday, October 6th on Lake Aiguebelette in Savoie. It was the 9th edition of this race, which was first held in the spring and now takes place every year at the beginning of October. The 2025 edition is scheduled for Sunday, October 5th. As every year, we were full with 100 participants (maximum number allowed due to the classification of the lake as a nature reserve). 6 countries were represented: France, Switzerland, Italy, Great Britain, Belgium and even the United States with the participation of Eleni Pitses (from Grosse Pointe Park in Michigan).
The conditions were much cooler than in 2023, but compared to what we had all this early autumn, we can consider ourselves lucky to have had calm weather with just a few drops of rain. The lake was, as promised, very flat!
The 2024 Alpine Lakes Tour season is coming to an end! On the clock: 84 stages organized since June 2013 in France, Switzerland and Italy. We will publish the 2024 ranking as soon as possible. Thank you all for your participation. As announced in our last newsletter, we are taking a break and there will be no 2025 edition of the GlaGla Race in Talloires. The next GlaGla Race will take place in January 2026.
Congratulations to Ludovic Teulade, already winner of the GlaGla Race last January who finished 1st in the long distance in 1h12mn and 3 seconds just ahead of Sebastien Jalmain in 1h12mn and 6 seconds. Sebastien improved his time from last year (1h13mn21″). Jean-Philippe Dargeou finished 3rd in 1h16’53”.
Congratulations to Emmanuelle Marcon who won in the women’s race in 1h20’27” ahead of Natalie Rendle (UK) (1h24’17”) and Edith Teulade (1h24’22”). Emmanuelle was 4th last year and has significantly improved her time (1h23mn07″).
On the short distance, very good performance by Maya Jalmain (12 years old) who finished 2nd in 43’23”.
Here are the Very Flat Race results. Voici les résultats de la Very Flat Race 2024
Long distance podiums
Women Harboard / Femmes SUP rigides
- Emmanuelle Marcon (France) 1h20’27”
- Natalie Rendle (UK) 1h24’17”
- Edith Teulade (France) 1h24’22”
Women Inflatable / Femmes SUP gonflables
- Anaïs Bodelet (France) 1h50’30”
- Valérie Domergue (France) 1h54’17”
- Béatrice Grefferat (France) 1h54’54”
Men Harboard / Hommes SUP rigides
- Ludovic Teulade (France) 1h12’03”
- Sébastien Jalmain (France) 1h12’06”
- Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France) 1h16’53”
Men Inflatable / Hommes SUP gonflables
- Rémi Chamorro (France) 1h18’03”
- Laurent Guyout (France) 1h21’35”
- Fabrice Bernoud (France) 1h22’15”
- David Mezieres (France) 1h52’54”
Women over 60 / Femmes + 60 ans
- Edith Teulade (France) 1h24’22”
- Martine Chollet (France) 1h29’52”
- Sylvianne Oberli (Suisse) 1h54’05”
Men over 60 / Hommes + 60 ans
- Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France) 1h16’53”
- Alain Morazzoni (France) 1h33’43”
- Raphaël Pardini (France) 1h42’44”
Short distance Podiums
Women Inflatable / Femmes SUP gonflables
- Natalia Tyapkina (Suisse) 44’29”
- Caroline Pointud (France) 50’22”
- Anna Herbreteau (France) 53’00”
Women Harboard / Femmes SUP Rigides
- Delphine Jalmain (France) 40’45”
- Maya Jalmain (France) 43’23”
- Isabelle Zuber (Suisse) 43’29”
Men Inflatable / Hommes SUP Gonflables
- Luca Cassolo (Italy) 39’12”
- Marc Perrier (France) 40’31”
- Sébastien Laplante 42’30”
- Maya Jalmain 43’23”
- Lou Jalmain 49’10”
- Clément Chevalier 49’13”
- Eliot Vuchot 50’19”
- Luka Duisit 52’20”
- Anna Herbreteau 53’00”
- Lola Moyaux 1h06’12”
Over 60 / + 60 ans
- Eric Chollet 48’51”
- Jean-François Collange 1h03’29’
Technical Race Podiums
- Natalie Rendle (UK) 17’01”
- Maya Jalmain (France) 18’07”
Men Inflatable
- Laurent (France) Guyout 15’59”
- Fabrice Bernoud (France) 16’25”
- David Mezieres (France) 16’56”
Men Hardboards
- Ludovic Teulade (France) 13’09”
- Sébastien Jalmain (France) 13’40”
- Loïc Crois (France) 14’05”
Dragon Race
- Alpine Lakes Tour Team
- Team Savoie
- Mix Team
Long Distance | ||||||||
BIB | time | Name | First Name | Cat | L | P | Overall | Cat |
21 | 01:12:03 | TEULADE | Ludovic | MH | 14′ | H | 1 | 1 |
937 | 01:12:06 | JALMAIN | Sebastien | MH | 14′ | H | 2 | 2 |
829 | 01:16:53 | DARGEOU | JPhi | MH | 14′ | H | 3 | 3 |
441 | 01:17:11 | NIZAN | yannick | MH | 14′ | H | 4 | 4 |
990 | 01:17:48 | KLEMANOVITS | Mark | MH | 14′ | H | 5 | 5 |
1262 | 01:18:03 | CHAMORRO | Remi | MI | 14′ | I | 6 | 1 |
1248 | 01:18:10 | KIM | Mikalai | MH | 14′ | H | 7 | 6 |
226 | 01:18:17 | BÉRANGER | Nicolas | MH | 14′ | H | 8 | 7 |
1078 | 01:18:50 | WACK | Alexandre | MH | 14′ | H | 9 | 8 |
188 | 01:18:51 | HEINTZ | Anthony | MH | 14′ | H | 10 | 9 |
112 | 01:19:35 | VUCHOT | Fx | MH | 14′ | H | 11 | 10 |
1138 | 01:19:50 | KRUISHEER | Mark | MH | 14′ | H | 12 | 11 |
304 | 01:20:01 | CUVILLIEZ | Sam | MH | 14′ | H | 13 | 12 |
935 | 01:20:23 | RENDLE | Martin | MH | 14′ | H | 14 | 13 |
1232 | 01:20:27 | MARCON | Emmanuelle | WH | 14′ | H | 15 | 1 |
308 | 01:20:30 | HODGE | Kevin | MH | 14′ | H | 16 | 14 |
25 | 01:21:35 | GUYOUT | Laurent | MI | 14′ | I | 17 | 2 |
221 | 01:22:15 | BERNOUD | Fabrice | MI | 14′ | I | 18 | 3 |
196 | 01:22:23 | GICOT | Michel | MH | 14′ | H | 19 | 15 |
943 | 01:23:04 | LEFORT | Stephane | MH | 14′ | H | 20 | 16 |
822 | 01:23:30 | MEYER | Jean-Philippe | MH | 14′ | H | 21 | 17 |
1264 | 01:23:42 | MARCHAND | Nicolas | MH | 14′ | H | 22 | 18 |
1152 | 01:23:45 | NOYELLE | Guillaume | MH | 14′ | H | 23 | 19 |
270 | 01:23:49 | CORBIN | Stéphane | MH | 14′ | H | 24 | 20 |
957 | 01:24:04 | QUIBBERT | Olivier | MH | 14′ | H | 25 | 21 |
432 | 01:24:17 | RENDLE | Natalie | WH | 14′ | H | 26 | 2 |
20 | 01:24:22 | TEULADE | Edith | WH | 14′ | H | 27 | 3 |
1257 | 01:24:39 | ALBULESE | Cornel | MH | 14′ | H | 28 | 22 |
166 | 01:25:20 | ODDERA | Sara | WH | 14′ | H | 29 | 4 |
331 | 01:27:56 | RAFFIN | Nicolas | MH | 14′ | H | 30 | 23 |
970 | 01:28:25 | PIOVANO | Lionel | MH | 14′ | H | 31 | 24 |
993 | 01:28:38 | COULON | RENAUD | MH | 14′ | H | 32 | 25 |
327 | 01:29:52 | CHOLLET | MARTINE | WH | 14′ | H | 33 | 5 |
233 | 01:30:28 | DUISIT | Nicolas | MI | 14′ | I | 34 | 4 |
928 | 01:30:40 | CHOPIN | Cédric | MI | 14′ | I | 35 | 5 |
876 | 01:31:00 | STEINMETZ | Mathias | MH | 14′ | H | 36 | 26 |
908 | 01:31:40 | DELABIE | DAMIEN | MI | 14′ | I | 37 | 6 |
1024 | 01:31:45 | REINARES | Xabi | MH | 14′ | H | 38 | 27 |
117 | 01:31:55 | NARDINI | Paolo | MH | 14′ | H | 39 | 28 |
978 | 01:32:10 | GUERRIER | Sophie | WH | 14′ | H | 40 | 6 |
1069 | 01:32:20 | Denis | Hervé | MI | 14′ | I | 41 | 7 |
984 | 01:32:40 | HERBRETEAU | Benjamin | MH | 14′ | H | 42 | 29 |
820 | 01:32:44 | THEODET | Pascal | MI | 14′ | I | 43 | 8 |
49 | 01:33:08 | CARDINALETTI | Franck | MI | 14′ | I | 44 | 9 |
1136 | 01:33:43 | MORAZZONI | Alain | MH | 14′ | H | 45 | 30 |
1117 | 01:37:23 | LEONETOUT | Christian | MH | 14′ | H | 46 | 31 |
154 | 01:38:01 | BARALON | FREDERIC | MH | 14′ | H | 47 | 32 |
1240 | 01:39:00 | CHEVALLIER | ludovic | MI | 14′ | I | 48 | 10 |
1275 | 01:40:29 | CHARDON | Christophe | MI | 14′ | I | 49 | 11 |
176 | 01:41:06 | WIESSER | Benoit | MI | 14′ | I | 50 | 12 |
349 | 01:41:08 | HODGE | LESLEY | WH | 14′ | H | 51 | 7 |
277 | 01:41:12 | #N/A | #N/A | #N/A | #N/A | #N/A | 52 | 1 |
1112 | 01:41:45 | LAFORET | Clémentine | WH | 14′ | H | 53 | 8 |
1135 | 01:42:01 | WELFELE | Stephane | MH | 14′ | H | 54 | 33 |
931 | 01:42:44 | PARDINI | raphael | MI | 14′ | I | 55 | 13 |
271 | 01:43:11 | DUPAYAGE | Jacques | MI | 14′ | I | 56 | 14 |
442 | 01:43:26 | MARTIN | Laurent | MH | 14′ | H | 57 | 34 |
273 | 01:49:53 | CHAPUIS | Sébastien | MI | 14′ | I | 58 | 15 |
1263 | 01:50:14 | MATHEVET | christophe | MH | 14′ | H | 59 | 35 |
1251 | 01:50:30 | BODELET | Anaïs | WI | 12’6 | I | 60 | 1 |
372 | 01:52:05 | OBERLI | SYLVIANNE | WH | 14′ | H | 61 | 9 |
1256 | 01:52:54 | Mézières | DAVID | M0 | prone | 0 | 62 | 1 |
1052 | 01:54:17 | DOMERGUE | VALERIE | WI | 14′ | I | 63 | 2 |
1278 | 01:54:54 | GREFFERAT | Béatrice | WI | 14′ | I | 64 | 3 |
827 | 01:55:34 | ROBERT | Elodie | WI | 14′ | I | 65 | 4 |
228 | 01:55:40 | LEBRETON | Christine | WI | 14′ | I | 66 | 5 |
1230 | 01:55:45 | DESMAZIERES | Charles | MI | 14′ | I | 67 | 16 |
1274 | 01:58:34 | GARREAU | Virginie | WI | 12’6 | I | 68 | 6 |
938 | 02:03:18 | BUI | Aurore | WI | 14′ | I | 69 | 7 |
969 | 02:05:07 | LEBRETON | Nicolas | MI | 14′ | I | 70 | 17 |

Results / Résultats short distance
BIB | temps | Nom | Prénom | Cat | L | P | Overall | Cat |
86 | 00:34:34 | CROS | Loïc | MH | 14′ | H | 1 | 1 |
412 | 00:38:05 | BAHRAOUI | Stéphane Nouri | MH | 14′ | H | 2 | 2 |
1185 | 00:38:50 | KORZETZ | Thierry | MH | 14′ | H | 3 | 3 |
124 | 00:39:12 | CASSOLO | Luca | MI | 14′ | I | 4 | 1 |
840 | 00:40:31 | PERRIER | Marc | MI | 14′ | I | 5 | 2 |
927 | 00:40:45 | JALMAIN | Delphine | WH | 14′ | H | 6 | 1 |
1214 | 00:41:48 | THURA | Yannick | MH | 14′ | H | 7 | 4 |
901 | 00:42:30 | LAPLANTE | Sébastien | MI | 14′ | I | 8 | 3 |
378 | 00:43:16 | MOREILLON | Nicolas | MH | 14′ | H | 9 | 5 |
1165 | 00:43:23 | JALMAIN | Maya | WH | 12’6 | H | 10 | 2 |
1204 | 00:43:29 | ZUBER | Isabelle | WH | 14′ | H | 11 | 3 |
113 | 00:44:29 | TYAPKINA | Natalia | WI | 12’6 | I | 12 | 1 |
1163 | 00:44:53 | PITSES | Eleni | WH | 14′ | H | 13 | 4 |
1167 | 00:45:05 | FERRATON | Catherine | WH | 14′ | H | 14 | 5 |
1176 | 00:46:25 | BERNARDINI | Cécile | WH | 14′ | H | 15 | 6 |
1224 | 00:46:42 | BRU | Jeanse | MI | 12’6 | I | 16 | 4 |
1221 | 00:46:50 | TURNER | Ian | MI | 14′ | I | 17 | 5 |
1170 | 00:47:00 | STEINMETZ | Audrey | WH | 14′ | H | 18 | 7 |
1227 | 00:47:32 | ANDREI | Khorochilov | MI | 14′ | I | 19 | 6 |
1182 | 00:47:40 | NIZAN | Valérie | WH | 14′ | H | 20 | 8 |
1196 | 00:48:51 | CHOLLET | ERIC | MH | 14′ | H | 21 | 6 |
1180 | 00:49:10 | JALMAIN | Lou | WH | 12’6 | H | 22 | 9 |
1190 | 00:49:13 | CHEVALLIER | clément | MI | 14′ | I | 23 | 7 |
912 | 00:50:19 | VUCHOT | Eliot | MH | 14′ | H | 24 | 7 |
106 | 00:50:22 | POINTUD | Caroline | WI | 14′ | I | 25 | 2 |
1187 | 00:50:44 | GARREAU | Pierre | MI | 14′ | I | 26 | 8 |
1161 | 00:51:56 | Bina | MICHELE | MI | 14′ | I | 27 | 9 |
1160 | 00:52:20 | DUISIT | Luka | MI | 14′ | I | 28 | 10 |
1184 | 00:53:00 | HERBRETEAU | Anna | WI | 12’6 | I | 29 | 3 |
1205 | 00:53:43 | MOYAUX | Amandine | WI | 14′ | I | 30 | 4 |
1178 | 00:57:09 | MOYAUX | Christophe | MI | 14′ | I | 31 | 11 |
1168 | 00:57:32 | CÔTE | Louise | WI | 14′ | I | 32 | 5 |
1211 | 01:02:21 | Accornero | MARTINA | WI | 14′ | I | 33 | 6 |
1181 | 01:03:29 | COLLANGE | Jean François | MI | 12’6 | I | 34 | 12 |
1207 | 01:06:12 | MOYAUX | Lola | WI | 12’6 | I | 35 | 7 |

Résultats / Results Technical Race
Technical Race | ||||||||
BIB | time | Name | First Name | Cat | L | P | Overall | Cat |
21 | 00:13:09 | TEULADE | Ludovic | MH | 14′ | H | 1 | 1 |
937 | 00:13:40 | JALMAIN | Sebastien | MH | 14′ | H | 2 | 2 |
86 | 00:14:05 | CROS | Loïc | MH | 14′ | H | 3 | 3 |
441 | 00:14:22 | NIZAN | Yannick | MH | 14′ | H | 4 | 4 |
829 | 00:14:27 | DARGEOU | Jean Philippe | MH | 14′ | H | 5 | 5 |
25 | 00:15:59 | GUYOUT | Laurent | MI | 14′ | I | 6 | 1 |
1078 | 00:16:04 | WACK | Alexandre | MH | 14′ | H | 7 | 6 |
221 | 00:16:25 | BERNOUD | Fabrice | MI | 14′ | I | 8 | 2 |
308 | 00:16:33 | HODGE | Kevin | MH | 14′ | H | 9 | 7 |
943 | 00:16:38 | LEFORT | Stephane | MH | 14′ | H | 10 | 8 |
1256 | 00:16:56 | Mézières | DAVID | MI | 14′ | I | 11 | 3 |
432 | 00:17:01 | RENDLE | Natalie | W | 14′ | H | 12 | 1 |
908 | 00:17:18 | DELABIE | DAMIEN | MI | 14′ | I | 13 | 4 |
840 | 00:17:22 | PERRIER | Marc | MI | 14′ | I | 14 | 5 |
957 | 00:17:42 | QUIBBERT | Olivier | MH | 14′ | H | 15 | 9 |
1165 | 00:18:07 | JALMAIN | Maya | W | 12’6 | I | 16 | 2 |
1024 | 00:18:16 | REINARES | Xabi | MH | 14′ | H | 17 | 10 |
1161 | 00:20:08 | Bina | MICHELE | MI | 14′ | I | 18 | 6 |
1263 | 00:24:52 | MATHEVET | Christophe | MH | 14′ | H | 19 | 11 |