Results / Résultats Very Flat Race

Ludovic Teulade & Sebastien Jalmain - Very Flat Race 2024 - photo : Alexis Fernet
Ludovic Teulade & Sebastien Jalmain – Very Flat Race 2024 – photo : Alexis Fernet

La Very Flat Race 2024 s’est tenue dimanche 6 octobre sur le lac d’Aiguebelette en Savoie. C’était la 9e édition de cette course qui s’est d’abord tenue au printemps et à maintenant lieu chaque année au début du mois d’Octobre. Comme chaque année, nous avons fait le plein avec 100 participants (nombre maximum autorisé en raison du classement du lac en réserve naturelle). 6 pays était représentés : France, Suisse, Italie, Grande-Bretagne, Belgique et même les États-Unis avec la participation d’Eleni Pitses (de Grosse Pointe Park dans le Michigan).

L’édition 2025 est prévue le dimanche 5 octobre. (English translation below)

Les conditions étaient bien plus fraiche qu’en 2023 mais comparativement à ce qu’on a pu avoir tout ce début d’automne, on peut s’estimer heureux, d’avoir eu un temps calme avec juste quelque gouttes de pluie. Le lac était, comme promis, very flat !

Clap de fin du coup pour la saison 2024 de l’Alpine Lakes Tour ! Au compteur : 84 étapes organisées depuis juin 2013 en France, Suisse et Italie. Nous publierons dès que possible le classement 2024. Merci à tous pour votre participation. Comme annoncé dans notre dernière newsletter, nous faisons une pause et il n’y aura pas d’édition 2025 de la GlaGla Race à Talloires. La prochaine GlaGla Race aura lieu en janvier 2026.

Bravo à Ludovic Teulade, déjà vainqueur de la GlaGla Race en janvier dernier qui finit 1er de la longue distance en 1h12mn et 3 secondes juste devant Sebastien Jalmain en 1h12mn et 6 secondes. Sébastien améliore son temps de l’an dernier (1h13mn21″). Jean-Philippe Dargeou finit 3eme en 1h16’53”.

Bravo à Emmanuelle Marcon qui l’emporte chez les femmes en 1h20’27” devant Natalie Rendle (UK) (1h24’17”) et Edith Teulade (1h24’22”). Emmanuelle était 4eme l’an dernier et a largement amélioré son temps (1h23mn07″).

Sur la courte distance, très belle performance de Maya Jalmain (12 ans) qui termine 2e en 43’23”.

Very Flat Race 2024 start

English version

The Very Flat Race 2024 was held on Sunday, October 6th on Lake Aiguebelette in Savoie. It was the 9th edition of this race, which was first held in the spring and now takes place every year at the beginning of October. The 2025 edition is scheduled for Sunday, October 5th. As every year, we were full with 100 participants (maximum number allowed due to the classification of the lake as a nature reserve). 6 countries were represented: France, Switzerland, Italy, Great Britain, Belgium and even the United States with the participation of Eleni Pitses (from Grosse Pointe Park in Michigan).

The conditions were much cooler than in 2023, but compared to what we had all this early autumn, we can consider ourselves lucky to have had calm weather with just a few drops of rain. The lake was, as promised, very flat!

The 2024 Alpine Lakes Tour season is coming to an end! On the clock: 84 stages organized since June 2013 in France, Switzerland and Italy. We will publish the 2024 ranking as soon as possible. Thank you all for your participation. As announced in our last newsletter, we are taking a break and there will be no 2025 edition of the GlaGla Race in Talloires. The next GlaGla Race will take place in January 2026.

Congratulations to Ludovic Teulade, already winner of the GlaGla Race last January who finished 1st in the long distance in 1h12mn and 3 seconds just ahead of Sebastien Jalmain in 1h12mn and 6 seconds. Sebastien improved his time from last year (1h13mn21″). Jean-Philippe Dargeou finished 3rd in 1h16’53”.

Congratulations to Emmanuelle Marcon who won in the women’s race in 1h20’27” ahead of Natalie Rendle (UK) (1h24’17”) and Edith Teulade (1h24’22”). Emmanuelle was 4th last year and has significantly improved her time (1h23mn07″).

On the short distance, very good performance by Maya Jalmain (12 years old) who finished 2nd in 43’23”.

Here are the Very Flat Race results. Voici les résultats de la Very Flat Race 2024

Long distance podiums

Women Harboard / Femmes SUP rigides

  1. Emmanuelle Marcon (France) 1h20’27”
  2. Natalie Rendle (UK) 1h24’17”
  3. Edith Teulade (France) 1h24’22”

Women Inflatable / Femmes SUP gonflables

  1. Anaïs Bodelet (France) 1h50’30”
  2. Valérie Domergue (France) 1h54’17”
  3. Béatrice Grefferat (France) 1h54’54”

Men Harboard / Hommes SUP rigides

  1. Ludovic Teulade (France) 1h12’03”
  2. Sébastien Jalmain (France) 1h12’06”
  3. Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France) 1h16’53”

Men Inflatable / Hommes SUP gonflables

  1. Rémi Chamorro (France) 1h18’03”
  2. Laurent Guyout (France) 1h21’35”
  3. Fabrice Bernoud (France) 1h22’15”


  1. David Mezieres (France) 1h52’54”

Women over 60 / Femmes + 60 ans

  1. Edith Teulade (France) 1h24’22”
  2. Martine Chollet (France) 1h29’52”
  3. Sylvianne Oberli (Suisse) 1h54’05”

Men over 60 / Hommes + 60 ans

  1. Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France) 1h16’53”
  2. Alain Morazzoni (France) 1h33’43”
  3. Raphaël Pardini (France) 1h42’44”

Short distance Podiums

Women Inflatable / Femmes SUP gonflables

  1. Natalia Tyapkina (Suisse) 44’29”
  2. Caroline Pointud (France) 50’22”
  3. Anna Herbreteau (France) 53’00”

Women Harboard / Femmes SUP Rigides

  1. Delphine Jalmain (France) 40’45”
  2. Maya Jalmain (France) 43’23”
  3. Isabelle Zuber (Suisse) 43’29”

Men Inflatable / Hommes SUP Gonflables

  1. Luca Cassolo (Italy) 39’12”
  2. Marc Perrier (France) 40’31”
  3. Sébastien Laplante 42’30”


  1. Maya Jalmain 43’23”
  2. Lou Jalmain 49’10”
  3. Clément Chevalier 49’13”
  4. Eliot Vuchot 50’19”
  5. Luka Duisit 52’20”
  6. Anna Herbreteau 53’00”
  7. Lola Moyaux 1h06’12”

Over 60 / + 60 ans

  1. Eric Chollet 48’51”
  2. Jean-François Collange 1h03’29’

Technical Race Podiums


  1. Natalie Rendle (UK) 17’01”
  2. Maya Jalmain (France) 18’07”

Men Inflatable

  1. Laurent (France) Guyout 15’59”
  2. Fabrice Bernoud (France) 16’25”
  3. David Mezieres (France) 16’56”

Men Hardboards

  1. Ludovic Teulade (France) 13’09”
  2. Sébastien Jalmain (France) 13’40”
  3. Loïc Crois (France) 14’05”

Dragon Race

  1. Alpine Lakes Tour Team
  2. Team Savoie
  3. Mix Team


Long Distance
BIBtimeNameFirst NameCatLPOverallCat
Emmanuelle Marcon & Natalie Rendle Very Flat Race 2024 / photo : Alexis Fernet
Emmanuelle Marcon & Natalie Rendle Very Flat Race 2024 / photo : Alexis Fernet

Results / Résultats short distance

41200:38:05BAHRAOUIStéphane NouriMH14′H22
118101:03:29COLLANGEJean FrançoisMI12’6I3412
Kids Race start - Very Flat Race 2024 - Photo : Alexis Fernet
Kids Race start – Very Flat Race 2024 – Photo : Alexis Fernet

Ludovic Teulade winner of the technical race - very flat race 2024 / photo : Alexis Fernet
Ludovic Teulade winner of the technical race – very flat race 2024 / photo : Alexis Fernet

Résultats / Results Technical Race

Technical Race
BIBtimeNameFirst NameCatLPOverallCat
82900:14:27DARGEOUJean PhilippeMH14′H55

Very Flat Race 2 days to go ! Lastest update

Very Flat Race 2024

2 days to go before the Very Flat Race, last Alpine Lakes 2024 stage on lake Aiguebelette ! Sold out ! 6 countries represented : France, Switzerland, Italy, UK, Belgium & USA. Ludo Teulade winner of the GlaGla Race will be on the start line !

Programme / Programma / Schedule

Saturday October 5th

6 pm : welcome drink (Tourtel 😉

Sunday October 6th

  • 8:30am : Bib pick up / Retrait des dossards
  • 10:00 : échauffement / Warm up
  • 10:30 : départ courses 4,5km et 11,5 km / Start short& Long distance / partenza delle gare di 4,5 e 11,5 km
  • from 11:30am : déjeuner / pranzo / lunch with Food Truck Globe Trucker
  • 1:30pm : Course des enfants monotype Red Paddle 10’6 max / kids Race / Red Paddle 10’6 max gara monotipo per bambini
  • 3:00 pm : Technical Race
  • 4:15pm : Dragon Race
  • 5:15pm : Remise des prix / Premiazione
  • 5:45pm : Trophées Alpine Lakes Tour 2024 / Trofei 2024 / Trophies 2024

Weather conditions & Safety requirements

Water temperature : 17°c

Air : Morning 10°c / Afternoon : 16°c

Cloudy / No rain expected / Very light wind (south)

Required documents

You must print or (show on you phone) and bring the ticket that was sent to you by Weezevent.


The leash is mandatory, no need for a wetsuit or life jacket. It is mandatory to assist a competitor who seems to be in difficulty. If necessary, wave your paddle or your arms upwards.

More info : the previous update and the Very Flat Race presentation page / Our Facebook Page

Very Flat Race 2024 update – dernières infos – ultime notizie

Very Flat Race 2024

La Very Flat Race 2024 aura lieu le dimanche 6 octobre sur le lac d’Aiguebelette ! Cette course a lieu dans une réserve naturelle, le nombre place est très limité : 100 participants maximum et nous devons être encore plus attentif à limiter notre impact sur le milieu naturel. Nous avons atteint le quota très rapidement ! Suite à des désistements, nous allons ré-ouvrir ce soir à 18h les inscriptions.

The Very Flat Race 2024 will take place on Sunday, October 6 on Lake Aiguebelette! This race takes place in a nature reserve, the number of places is very limited: 100 participants maximum and we must be even more careful to limit our impact on the natural environment. We reached the quota very quickly! Following cancellations, we will reopen registrations this evening at 6 p.m.

La Very Flat Race 2024 si svolgerà domenica 6 ottobre sul lago Aiguebelette! Questa gara si svolge in una riserva naturale, il numero dei posti è molto limitato: massimo 100 partecipanti e dobbiamo essere ancora più attenti a limitare il nostro impatto sull’ambiente naturale. Abbiamo raggiunto la quota molto velocemente! A seguito delle cancellazioni, riapriremo le iscrizioni questa sera alle 18:00.

the beach / La Plage

Conditions météo / condizioni meteo

Prévisions météo very flat race lac d'Aiguebelette


Pas d’autre événement prévu ce dimanche à la Plage du Sougey. Le parking a été rénové : il est en 2 parties : une réservée aux véhicules de moins de 2m de haut et une accessible à tous les véhicules. Vous pouvez stationner vos camions, vans et autres camping cars sur ce parking.
Pour la dépose du matériel, l’accès a plage se fait à pied. Il y a une distance de 300m entre le parking et la plage.


No other event planned this Sunday at Plage du Sougey. The parking lot has been renovated: it is in 2 parts: one reserved for vehicles less than 2m high and one accessible to all vehicles. You can park your trucks, vans and other camper vans in this parking lot.
To drop off equipment, access to the beach is on foot. There is a distance of 300m between the parking lot and the beach.


Nessun altro evento in programma questa domenica a Sougey Beach.

Il parcheggio è stato rinnovato: è diviso in 2 parti: una riservata ai veicoli di altezza inferiore a 2 metri e una accessibile a tutti i veicoli.

In questo parcheggio potrete parcheggiare i vostri camion, furgoni e altri camper. Per depositare l’attrezzatura, l’accesso alla spiaggia è a piedi. Tra il parcheggio e la spiaggia c’è una distanza di 300 metri

Ne pas oublier !

Le lac d’Aiguebelette est classé en réserve naturelle depuis 2015. C’est une chance de pouvoir organiser cette course sur ce lac si tranquille. Nous devons respecter la faune et la flore qui sont protégées ainsi que les usagers du lac (notamment les pêcheurs). Nous proposons des gobelets réutilisables Alpine Lakes Tour contre une caution de 1€.

Vous pourrez soit garder votre gobelet pour les prochaines courses, soit le rendre et récupérer votre euro.

Nous prêtons des dossards aux participants qui n’ont pas acheté le leur. Ceux qui ont déjà acheté un dossard seront remboursés de 2€.

Pour ceux à qui nous prêtons des dossards, nous vous demandons de bien penser à le rendre après la dernière course à laquelle vous participerez.

Nous aurons le Food Truck “Globe Trucker” pour la restauration du midi. Il sera en place dès 11h30. Au menu burger frites, hot dog frites, pancakes et burgers végétariens notamment !

Don’t forget!

Lake Aiguebelette has been classified as a nature reserve since 2015. It’s a chance to be able to organize this race on this very peaceful lake. We must respect the fauna and flora that are protected as well as the users of the lake (especially fishermen). We offer reusable Alpine Lakes Tour cups for a deposit of €1.

You can either keep your cup for the next races or return it and get your euro back.

We lend bibs to participants who have not bought theirs. Those who have already bought a bib will be reimbursed €2.

For those to whom we lend bibs, we ask you to remember to return it after the last race in which you will participate.

We will have the Food Truck “Globe Trucker” for lunch. It will be in place from 11:30 am. On the menu burgers and fries, hot dogs and fries, pancakes and vegetarian burgers in particular!

Non dimenticare !

Il lago d’Aiguebelette è classificato riserva naturale dal 2015. È una fortuna poter organizzare questa corsa su questo lago tranquillo. Dobbiamo rispettare la fauna e la flora protette così come gli utenti del lago (soprattutto i pescatori).

Offriamo tazze riutilizzabili dell’Alpine Lakes Tour dietro un deposito di € 1. Puoi tenere la tua tazza per acquisti futuri oppure restituirla e riavere indietro i tuoi euro.Prestiamo pettorali ai partecipanti che non hanno acquistato il proprio.

A chi ha già acquistato il pettorale verranno rimborsati 2€. Per coloro ai quali prestiamo i pettorali, chiediamo di ricordarsi di restituirli dopo l’ultima gara a cui parteciperete.

Avremo a disposizione il Food Truck “Globe Trucker” per il catering del pranzo. Sarà operativo a partire dalle ore 11:30.
Nel menù hamburger e patatine fritte, hot dog e patatine fritte, pancake e hamburger vegetariani soprattutto!

Programme / Programma / Schedule

  • 8h30 : accueil des participants et retrait des dossards / Bib pick up
  • 10h00 : échauffement / Warm up
  • 10h30 : départ courses 4,5 et 11,5 km / Start short& Long distance / partenza delle gare di 4,5 e 11,5 km
  • 12h00/13h30 : déjeuner / pranzo / lunch with Food Truck Globe Trucker
  • 13h30 : Course des enfants monotype Red Paddle 10’6 max / kids Race / Red Paddle 10’6 max gara monotipo per bambini
  • 15h00 : Technical Race
  • 16h15 : Dragon Race
  • 17h15 : Remise des prix / Premiazione
  • 17h45 : Trophées Alpine Lakes Tour 2024 / Trofei 2024 / Trophies 2024

infos parcours courte et longue distance

Les 2 parcours sont identiques à ceux de l’an dernier. Les gestionnaires du lac ont ajouté des piquets de protection des roselières, cela a un impact notamment après les iles pour rejoindre la bouée du port d’Aiguebelette (il faut contourner une large zone).

Quelques infos si vous souhaitez vous préparer psychologiquement dès maintenant:

Départ de la plage

Bouée de dégagement à 200m du bord

Vous partez ensuite sur la droite en longeant la rive (en restant à 50 m des roselières)

La 2eme bouée est à l’embouchure d’une rivière (tout au bout du lac)

Virez la bouée en la laissant sur la gauche (bouée verte)Continuez en longeant la rive, vous pouvez longez l’ile située sur votre gauche

Une fois l’ile passée vous verrez 2 bouées : si vous faites la courte distance laissez la bouée verte sur votre gauche et prenez la direction de la plage, en laissant la bouée de dégagement sur votre gauche.

Ligne d’arrivée

Entre 2 oriflammes Red Paddle sur la plage. Si vous faites la longue distance, passez entre la bouée verte et la rouge puis prenez la direction du port d’Aiguebelette, vous verrez une bouée rouge devant un ponton, un hôtel, une petite plage.

Ensuite longez la rive sur 3 km, vous allez arriver à un petit cap, contourner-le, la bouée suivante est dans la petite baie qui est cachée jusqu’à passer le cap (soyez vigilant).
Laissez cette bouée sur votre gauche.

La bouée suivante est au bout du lac, il faudra traverser les lignes du parcours d’aviron. Laisser la bouée sur votre gauche.

Ensuite vous pouvez prendre la direction du prochain cap.

Longez ensuite la rive jusqu’à apercevoir la bouée de dégagement du départ. Vous devez la reprendre en la laissant sur la droite.

La ligne d’arrivée est juste devant la plage (2 oriflammes Red Paddle)

Bravo vous êtes arrivés !

un ravitaillement vous sera proposé (récupérez avant votre gobelet et pensez à rendre votre dossard si vous ne participez pas à la beach race)

Short and long distance course information

The 2 courses are identical to those of last year. The lake managers have added reed bed protection stakes, this has an impact in particular after the islands to reach the buoy of the port of Aiguebelette (you have to go around a large area).

Some information if you want to prepare yourself psychologically right now:
Departure from the beach

Clearance buoy 200m from the shoreYou then leave on the right along the shore (staying 50m from the reed beds)

The 2nd buoy is at the mouth of a river (at the very end of the lake)
Turn the buoy by leaving it on the left (green buoy)

Continue along the shore, you can go along the island located on your left
Once you have passed the island you will see 2 buoys: if you are doing the short distance leave the green buoy on your left and head towards the beach, leaving the clearance buoy on your left.
Finish line between 2 Red Paddle flags on the beach.

If you are doing the long distance, pass between the green and red buoys then head towards the port of Aiguebelette, you will see a red buoy in front of a pontoon, a hotel, a small beach.
Then follow the shore for 3 km, you will arrive at a small cape, go around it, the next buoy is in the small bay which is hidden until you pass the cape (be careful).
Leave this buoy on your left.
The next buoy is at the end of the lake, you will have to cross the rowing course lines. Leave the buoy on your left.
Then you can head towards the next cape.
Then follow the shore until you see the start clearance buoy. You must take it back by leaving it on the right.
The finish line is just in front of the beach (2 Red Paddle flags)
Congratulations, you have arrived!
refreshments will be offered to you (collect your cup before and remember to return your bib if you are not participating in the beach race)

informazioni sul percorso a breve e lunga distanza

I 2 corsi sono identici a quelli dell’anno scorso. I gestori del lago hanno aggiunto dei paletti per proteggere i canneti, questo ha un impatto soprattutto dopo le isole per raggiungere la boa del porto di Aiguebelette (occorre aggirare una vasta area).

Alcune informazioni se vuoi prepararti psicologicamente adesso:

Partenza dalla spiaggiaBoa di sicurezza a 200 metri dalla riva
Si prosegue poi a destra lungo l’argine (rimanendo a 50 m dai canneti)
La seconda boa è alla foce del fiume, (proprio all’estremità del lago)

Girare la boa lasciandola a sinistra (boa verde)
Prosegui lungo la riva, puoi costeggiare l’isola situata alla tua sinistraUna volta superata l’isola vedrai 2 boe: se percorri il breve tratto, tralascia la boa verde alla tua sinistra e dirigiti verso la spiaggia, lasciando la boa di salvataggio alla tua sinistra.
Traguardo tra 2 striscioni rossi sulla spiaggia.

Se percorrete una lunga distanza, passate tra la boa verde e quella rossa poi dirigetevi verso il porto di Aiguebelette, vedrete una boa rossa davanti ad un pontile, un hotel, una piccola spiaggia.

Poi seguite la riva per 3 km, arriverete ad un piccolo promontorio, giratelo intorno, la boa successiva è nella piccola baia che rimane nascosta finché non passate il promontorio (attenzione). Lascia questa boa alla tua sinistra.

La prossima boa è alla fine del lago, dovrete oltrepassare le linee del percorso di canottaggio.
Lascia la boa alla tua sinistra.
Quindi puoi andare verso la voce successiva.
Seguire poi la sponda fino a vedere la boa di partenza.
Bisogna riprenderlo, lasciandolo sulla destra. Il traguardo è proprio di fronte alla spiaggia (2 striscioni rossi)
Ben fatto, sei arrivato! ti verrà offerto un ristoro (ritira anticipatamente la tua coppa e ricordati di restituire il pettorale se non partecipi alla gara in spiaggia)

Documents à prévoir, consignes de sécurité

Pour la Very Flat Race

Le leash est obligatoire, pas besoin de combinaison, ni de gilet de sauvetage.Il est obligatoire d’assister un concurrent qui semble en difficulté. En cas de besoin, agitez votre pagaie ou vos bras vers le haut.

Documents requis

Il faut présenter votre ticket Weezevent (soit imprimé soit sur votre téléphone) et le présenter lors du retrait des dossards.

Pour la courte et longue distance ainsi que la beach race, une licence compétition est préférable. Si vous n’êtes pas licencié, et souhaitez l’être, vous pouvez en prendre une au Lac Annecy Paddle Club.

For the Very Flat Race

The leash is mandatory, no need for a wetsuit or life jacket. It is mandatory to assist a competitor who seems to be in difficulty. If necessary, wave your paddle or your arms upwards.

Required documents

You must print or (show on you phone) and bring the ticket that was sent to you by Weezevent.

For the short and long distance as well as the beach race, a competition license is preferable. If you are not licensed, and wish to be, you can take one at the Lac Annecy Paddle Club.

Documenti da fornire, istruzioni di sicurezza

Devi presentare il tuo biglietto Weezevent (stampato o sul tuo telefono) e presentarlo al momento del ritiro dei pettorali.

Per le gare su breve e lunga distanza e sulla spiaggia è preferibile una licenza di competizione. Se non hai la licenza e vorresti averla, puoi ottenerne una al Lac Annecy Paddle Club.


Merci de nous contacter par email :

Alpine Paradise Race 2024 results

Alpine Paradise Race 2024 Prarayer lago di Place Moulin Aosta Valley

The Alpine Paradise Race is over ! Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end ! Leaving Paradise is not easy 😉 We will be back next year on Lake Place Moulin. Spread the word : Paradise is very nice 😉

La Alpine Paradise Race è finita! Purtroppo, tutte le cose belle devono finire! Lasciare Paradise non è facile 😉 Torneremo l’anno prossimo sul Lake Place Moulin. Spargete la voce: Paradise è molto bello 😉

L’Alpine Paradise Race est terminée ! Malheureusement, toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin ! Quitter le Paradis n’est pas chose facile 😉 Nous serons de retour l’année prochaine sur le lac de Place Moulin. Faites-le savoir : le Paradis est très agréable 😉

A few pictures (more to come on our Facebook Alpine Lakes Tour Page)

Alpine Paradise Race results

Long distance


  1. Bea Basson (France) 1h16′
  2. Sophie Guerrier (France) 1h19’44”
  3. Lesley Hodge (UK) 1h28’32”

Men hardboard

  1. Dylan Sartori (Italy) 1h01’13”
  2. Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France) 1h05’20”
  3. Manuel Brignoli (Italy) 1h07’15”

Men Inflatable

  1. Cédric Chopin (France) 1h17’15”
  2. Nicolas Duisit (France) 1h18’36”
  3. Ricardo Pastorino (Italy) 1h27’20”

Over 60

  1. Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France) 1h05’20”
  2. Georgio Baldantoni (Italy) 1h14’27”
  3. Bea Basson (woman, France) 1h16′

Overall Long Distance ranking

1979Dylan SartoriItaly01:28:32Men HB132
2910JP DargeouFrance01:05:20MenHB231
3829Manuel BrignoliItaly01:07:15MenHB330
41275Kevin HodgeUK01:11:55MenHB429
51078Sylvain RelangeFrance01:12:52MenHB528
6208Georgio BaldantoniItaly01:14:27MenHB627
7228Bea BassonFrance01:16:46Women126
8954Andrea VarettoItaly01:17:22MenHB725
91251Cédric ChopinFrance01:17:47MenINF124
101024Xabi ReinaresFrance01:17:53MenHB823
11233Nicolas DuisitFrance01:18:36MenINF222
121069Nicola VolaniItaly01:18:44MenHB921
13969Sophie GuerrierFrance01:19:44Women220
141153Ricardo PastorinoItaly01:27:20MenINF319
151240Jacques DupayageItaly01:28:23MenINF418
16978Lesley HodgeUK01:28:32Women317
17441Hervé CiandanoFrance01:29:41MenINF516
181243Alberto GrassiItaly01:30:08MenINF615
19938Sébastien RollandFrance01:33:59MenINF714
20106Elodie RobertFrance01:36:47Women413
211262Marie BassonFrance01:38:12Women512
221256Aurore BuiFrance01:44:19Women611
if you find or think there is mistake, please send us an email : thanks !

Short distance


  1. Maria-Emilia Calenzani (Italy) 42’50 
  2. Cécile Bernardini (France) 43’18
  3. Alexandra Gorgi (Italy) 51’17


  1. Theo Duisit (Junior, France) 47’18”
  2. Roberto Carini (Italy) 48’38”
  3. Matteo d’Angelo (Italy) 50’38”


  1. Theo Duisit (France) 47’18”
  2. Luka Duisit (France) 52’05”
  3. Fantine Bui (Girl, France) 54’01”

Short distance overall ranking

11217Maria-Emilia CalenzaniItaly00:42:50Women117
21183Cécile BernardiniFrance00:43:18Women216
31212Theo DuisitFrance00:47:18Junior115
41229Roberto CariniItaly00:48:39Men214
51172Matteo D’AngeloItaly00:50:38Men313
61208Alexandra GorgiItaly00:51:17Women312
71160Luka DuisitFrance00:52:05Junior211
81221Fantine BuiFrance00:54:01Junior310
91202Naomi TurnerFrance00:54:10Junior49
10Ian TurnerRSA00:54:10Men68
111206Emidio CASALIItalie00:55:23Men77
121177Bernard BassonFrance00:55:23Men86
if you find or think there is mistake, please send us an email : thanks !

Technical Race


  1. Bea Basson (France)
  2. Cécile Bernardini (France)
  3. Lesley Hodge (UK)


  1. Dylan Sartori (Italy)
  2. Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France)
  3. Manuel Brignoli (Italy)

Dragon Race

  1. Team Alpine Lakes Tour
  2. Team International
  3. Team Italia

More to come sooooon ! Stay tuned ! Still a lot of after race work to do !

Alpine Paradise Race Technical Race & Dragon Race results

Alpine Paradise Race 2024 day one

Today was day one of the Alpine Paradise Race 2024 ! Winner of the Technical Race : Dylan Sartori !

Alpine Paradise Race 2024 Lake Place Moulin

Congrats to all participants ! Today was day one, tomorrow we will have a short and long distance.

Results Alpine Paradise Race day one

Results Technical Race

  1. Dylan Sartori (Italy) 10’44
  2. Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France) 11’50
  3. Manuel Brignoli (Italy) 11’55
  4. Kevin Hodge (UK) 12’26
  5. Nicola Volani (Italy) 12’58
  6. Giorgio Baldantoni 13’13
  7. Bea Basson 13’43
  8. Xabi Reinares 13’53
  9. Nicolas Duisit 14’06
  10. Cécile Bernardini 15’39
  11. Lesley Hodge 15’47
  12. Hervé Ciandano 16’14
Dylan Sartori Alpine Paradise Race 2024 lac place Moulin val d’Aoste

Podium Men

  1. Dylan Sartori
  2. Jean-Philippe Dargeou
  3. Manuel Brignoli

Podium Women

  1. Bea Basson
  2. Cécile Bernardini
  3. Lesley Hodge

Results Dragon Race

  1. Team Alpine Lakes Tour 3’01
  2. Team International 3’15
  3. Team Italia 3’15
Alpine Paradise race Lake place moulin Italy

Tomorrow’s schedule

Sunday september 22 schedule

  • 9:30 am: free tea & coffee on the beach close to the starting zone.
  • 10:30 am Long distance run 10 km / Short distance: 5 km
  • 1pm prize award ceremony
  • 1:30pm-3:30pm by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the the refuge back to the dam
  • Meals upon reservation at the Prarayer refuge for lunch.

Alpine Paradise Race : Technical Race Tomorrow at 2 pm !

The Alpine Paradise Race starts tomorrow saturday september 21 ! We will have the Technical Race at 2pm. It will be a short and fun Technical Race : 3 laps, 5 buoys + one passage on the beach !

Registration for the Alpine Paradise Race is still open !

Saturday september 21 schedule

  • 9am -12am by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the dam to the refuge
  • Free reconnaissance of the course
  • 2pm technical race
  • 3pm dragon race
  • 4pm podiums Technical & Dragon
  • 5pm-6:30pm by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the the refuge back to the dam
  • 7:00 p.m. dinner at the refuge (you have to book your meal directly to the refuge)

Sunday september 22 schedule

  • 9:30 am: free tea & coffee on the beach close to the starting zone.
  • 10:30 am Long distance run 10 km / Short distance: 5 km
  • 1pm prize award ceremony
  • 1:30pm-3:30pm by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the the refuge back to the dam
  • Meals upon reservation at the Prarayer refuge for lunch.

Alpine Paradise Race : 2 days to go ! Weather forecast, updated schedule, practical and safety information

Update : thursday September, 18th

Weather Forecast is getting better for Sunday. Rain is expected late in the evening.

Only a few days before the Alpine Paradise Race !

A part of the Alpine Lakes Tour team will be at the Refuge Prarayer from Wednesday.

Alpine Paradise Race :Registration is still open

Direct access to the weezevent registration system

On-site registration is possible but the rates are higher : Long Distance + Technical Race : 50€ / Long distance only : 45€ / Short Distance + technical race : 40€ / short distance only : 35€

Alpine Paradise Race weather forecast : goood !

weather forecast Alpine Paradise Race 2024 Lake Place Moulin

Weather forecast : sunny until sunday noon. We are lucky, rain expected on sunday evening ! Temperature are good considering the altitude : warm in the sun, getting cold when the sun goes down. You need clothes for warm & cold temperatures !

Programme / Schedule / Programma


The Alpine Paradise Race schedule may be modified if weather conditions require it.

Le programme de l’Alpine Paradise Race pourra être modifié si les conditions météo l’impose.

Il programma Alpine Paradise Race potrà subire modifiche qualora le condizioni meteorologiche lo richiedessero.

Paddling on Lac Mort in september 2021

Thursday September 19,2024

There are some very beautiful hikes to do above the Place Moulin lake and throughout the Valpelline valley.

Suggested hikes : Lac Mort (3000m altitude) or the lac Gouillet or Lac de Tsignanaz.

Friday September 20,2024

  • From 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. by reservation by email ( : transport of SUPs by boat from the dam to the refuge
  • Free reconnaissance of the course (the buoys will have been placed in the morning, weather permiting)
  • 7:00 p.m. meal at the refuge Prarayer (you have to book your meal directly to the refuge)

Saturday September 21,2024

  • 9am -12am by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the dam to the refuge
  • Free reconnaissance of the course
  • 3pm technical race
  • 4pm dragon race & podiums
  • 5:30pm -6:30pm by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the the refuge back to the dam
  • 7:00 p.m. dinner at the refuge (you have to book your meal directly to the refuge)

Sunday, September 22

  • 9:30 am: free tea & coffee on the beach close to the starting zone.
  • 10:30 am Long distance run 10 km / Short distance: 5 km
  • 1pm prize award ceremony
  • 1:30pm-3:30pm by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the the refuge back to the dam

Meals upon reservation at the Prarayer refuge for lunch.

Weather forecast for Sunday september 22

Access to Lake Place Moulin

Lake Place Moulin is located in the Valpelline Valley above Aosta in Italy.

address to type in your GPS : Lac de Place-Moulin, 11010 Bionaz, Italia

Acces From France : From the beginning of September to mid-December 2024, the Mont Blanc Tunnel will be going on with the complete reconstruction of two portions of the tunnel vault of 300 metres each. This project will require one total closure of the tunnel for a duration of 15 consecutive weeks
from 5 p.m. on Monday 2, September 2024
to 5 p.m. on Monday 16, December 2024

During this period, please use the recommended alternative routes

How to get to the race start location? Comment accéder au lieu du départ de la course ? Come raggiungere il luogo di partenza della gara?

Access to Place Moulin lake is by car up to the dam. Then you have to go on foot or bike to the refuge. The start of the race takes place on the “beach” below the refuge. The distance between the dam and the start of the race is 4 km, or approximately 45 minutes on foot and 20 minutes by bike. We transport your equipment by boat by appointment from Friday morning.

L’accès au lac de Place Moulin se fait en voiture jusqu’au barrage. Ensuite il faut aller à pied ou à vélo jusqu’au refuge. Le départ de la course a lieu sur la “plage” en dessous du refuge. La distance entre le barrage et le lieu du départ de la course est de 4 km soit environ 45 minutes à pied et 20 minutes à vélo. Nous transportons votre matériel par bateau sur rendez-vous à partir du vendredi matin.

L’accesso al lago Place Moulin è in auto fino alla diga. Poi bisogna andare a piedi al rifugio. La partenza della corsa avviene sulla “spiaggia” sotto il rifugio. La distanza tra la diga e la partenza della corsa è di 4 km, ovvero circa 45 minuti a piedi. Il sentiero è percorribile anche in mountain bike per chi vuole andare più veloce. Trasportiamo la vostra attrezzatura in barca su appuntamento dal venerdì mattina.

What documents must be provided and what equipment must be provided? Quelles sont les documents à fournir et l’équipement à prévoir ? Quali documenti devono essere forniti e quali attrezzature devono essere fornite?

alpine paradise race depart de la course

For the race, you must present your weezevent registration ticket (printed or on your phone), an identity document.

You must bring a wetsuit (shorty or long john), a leash, warm clothes in case of gray weather. At this altitude, temperature variations are rapid and significant depending on whether the sun shines or whether clouds pass, whether there is wind or not!

Pour la course, vous devez présenter votre ticket d’inscription weezevent (imprimé ou sur votre téléphone).

Vous devez prévoir une combinaison (shorty ou long john,) un leash, des vêtements chauds en cas de temps gris. A cette altitude les variations de températures sont rapides et importantes suivant si le soleil brille ou si des nuages passent, s’il y a du vent ou pas !

Per la gara è necessario presentare il biglietto di iscrizione a weezevent (stampato o sul cellulare).

È necessario portare una muta (shorty o long john), un guinzaglio, vestiti caldi in caso di tempo grigio. A questa altitudine, le variazioni di temperatura sono rapide e significative a seconda che splenda il sole o che passino le nuvole, che ci sia vento o meno!

Alpine Paradise Race & Very Flat Race 2024

Let’s go back to work 😉

Alpine Paradise Race 2024

English speaking paddlers

Back to school is over, it’s time to get back to serious things! The Alpine Paradise Race, THE race not to be missed in its dream setting, takes place in less than 3 weeks and the Very Flat Race in a little over a month!

Registrations for the Alpine Paradise Race are still open, you will find all the information here. The Mont Blanc tunnel is closed for 3 months, access is via the Petit Saint Bernard (France) or Grand Saint Bernard (Switzerland) passes, the opportunity to discover magnificent roads and why not make a little hiking stop!

Pour les paddleur(se)s Français(e)s

La rentrée est passée, il est temps de reprendre les choses sérieuses ! L’Alpine Paradise Race, LA course à ne pas rater dans son décor de rêve a lieu dans moins de 3 semaines et la Very Flat Race dans un peu plus d’un mois !

Les inscriptions pour l’Alpine Paradise Race sont encore ouvertes, vous trouverez toutes les informations ici. Le tunnel du Mont Blanc est fermé pour 3 mois, l’accès se fait par les cols du Petit Saint Bernard (France) ou du Grand Saint Bernard (Suisse), l’occasion de découvrir des routes magnifiques et pourquoi pas de faire un petit stop rando !

Per canoisti italiani

Il ritorno a scuola è finito, è ora di tornare alle cose serie! L’Alpine Paradise Race, LA gara da non perdere in una cornice da sogno, si svolge in meno di 3 settimane e la Very Flat Race in poco più di un mese!

Le iscrizioni all’Alpine Paradise Race sono ancora aperte, qui troverete tutte le informazioni. Il tunnel del Monte Bianco è chiuso per 3 mesi, l’accesso avviene tramite i passi del Piccolo San Bernardo (Francia) o del Gran San Bernardo (Svizzera), la possibilità di scoprire strade magnifiche e perché non fare una piccola sosta escursionistica!

Very Flat Race 2024

Very Flat Race - Lac d'Aiguebelette

La Very Flat Race 2024 aura lieu le dimanche 6 octobre sur le lac d’Aiguebelette ! Cette course a lieu dans une réserve naturelle, le nombre place est très limité : 100 participants maximum et nous devons être encore plus attentif à limiter notre impact sur le milieu naturel. Les inscriptions vont ouvrir le 10 septembre.

The Very Flat Race 2024 will take place on Sunday, October 6 on Lake Aiguebelette! This race takes place in a nature reserve, the number of places is very limited: 100 participants maximum and we must be even more careful to limit our impact on the natural environment. Registrations will open on September 10.

La Very Flat Race 2024 si svolgerà domenica 6 ottobre sul lago Aiguebelette! Questa gara si svolge in una riserva naturale, il numero dei posti è molto limitato: massimo 100 partecipanti e dobbiamo essere ancora più attenti a limitare il nostro impatto sull’ambiente naturale. Le iscrizioni apriranno il 10 settembre.

Alpine Paradise Race : registration opening / apertura delle iscrizioni / ouverture des inscriptions

Alpine Paradise Race 2024

L’Alpine Paradise Race è la gara di stand up paddle più alta del mondo 🙂 Alpine Lakes ti porta alle vette dello stand up paddle! Vivi un’esperienza unica, unendo i piaceri degli sport acquatici e la scoperta dell’alta montagna, il tutto con la qualità dell’accoglienza e della gastronomia valdostana!

The Alpine Paradise Race is the highest stand up paddle race in the world 🙂 Alpine Lakes takes you to the heights of stand up paddle boarding! Live a unique experience, combining the pleasures of water sports and the discovery of the high mountains, all with the quality of the welcome and the Aosta Valley gastronomy!

L’Alpine Paradise Race est la plus course de stand up paddle la plus élevée au monde 🙂 L’Alpine Lakes vous emmène tutoyer les sommets du stand up paddle ! Vivez une expérience unique, mêlant les plaisirs de la glisse sur l’eau et de la découverte de la haute montagne, le tout avec la qualité de l’accueil et la gastronomie valdotaine !

Iscrizione / Registration / Inscription – Alpine Paradise Race

Video Alpine Paradise Race

Tropical Rave Geneva : evenement pluvieux, evenement heureux ! Rainy event, happy event !

tropical Race geneva

Malgré des conditions météo automnales, l’ambiance était joyeuse hier au Tropical Corner ou 70 concurrent(e)s se font affrontés sur 7 courses tout au long de la journée !

Un grand bravo à Sebastien Jalmain vainqueur de la longue distance (11 km) et à Florence Julen vainqueur chez les femmes sur la longue distance (11 km)

Bravo à tous les kids qui se sont affrontés sur 4 courses : la junior race du matin (3 km), la kids Race, les sprints kids et la Dragon Race !

Un immense merci à nos amis du Tropical Corner pour leur accueil et à Red Paddle Co pour leur soutien.

Merci à Eric Terrien d’etre venu participer à la Tropical Race, 8 ans après sa dernière course en SUP Race ! Bravo pour sa victoire avec les “chasses d’eau” sur la Dragon Race 😉

Despite autumnal weather conditions, the atmosphere was joyful yesterday at the Tropical Corner where 70 competitors competed in 7 races throughout the day!

Congratulations to Sebastien Jalmain (France), winner of the long distance (11 km) and to Florence Julen (Switzerland), winner of the women’s long distance (11 km)

Congratulations to all the kids who competed in 4 races: the morning junior race (3 km), the kids Race, the kids sprints and the Dragon Race!

A huge thank you to our friends at Tropical Corner for their welcome and to Red Paddle Co for their support.

Thanks to Eric Terrien for coming to participate in the Tropical Race, 8 years after his last SUP Race! Congratulations for his victory with the “flushing” in the Dragon Race 😉

Tropical Race results / Les résultats

Long Distance / Longue distance

2202:04:52LOZANOHélène & Jean-MarieWLTandem0

Short Distance results / Résultats courte distance


Junior Race results / resultats


More results & pictures coming soon !

Next Alpine Lakes Tour stage : Alpine Paradise Race in Italy ! Don’t miss it ! Prochaine étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour : l’Alpine Paradise Race en Italie ! ouverture des inscriptions jeudi 6 juin à 18h / Registration opening Thursday June at 6 pm Geneva / Paris time !