Alpine Paradise Race : registration opening / apertura delle iscrizioni / ouverture des inscriptions

Alpine Paradise Race 2024

L’Alpine Paradise Race è la gara di stand up paddle più alta del mondo 🙂 Alpine Lakes ti porta alle vette dello stand up paddle! Vivi un’esperienza unica, unendo i piaceri degli sport acquatici e la scoperta dell’alta montagna, il tutto con la qualità dell’accoglienza e della gastronomia valdostana!

The Alpine Paradise Race is the highest stand up paddle race in the world 🙂 Alpine Lakes takes you to the heights of stand up paddle boarding! Live a unique experience, combining the pleasures of water sports and the discovery of the high mountains, all with the quality of the welcome and the Aosta Valley gastronomy!

L’Alpine Paradise Race est la plus course de stand up paddle la plus élevée au monde 🙂 L’Alpine Lakes vous emmène tutoyer les sommets du stand up paddle ! Vivez une expérience unique, mêlant les plaisirs de la glisse sur l’eau et de la découverte de la haute montagne, le tout avec la qualité de l’accueil et la gastronomie valdotaine !

Iscrizione / Registration / Inscription – Alpine Paradise Race

Video Alpine Paradise Race

Alpine Paradise Race 2022 : registration is now open !

Alpine Paradise Race : registration form

The Alpine Lakes Stage named “Alpine Paradise Race” will be held in Italy (Aosta Valley) high in the mountains on a beautiful turquoise blue lake on saturday september 24th and sunday 25th, 2022. There is a very cosy hut just 50 m over the lake and the start line where we can host 76 people. It is also possible to set up a few tents close to the hut or to book a hotel (or other lodging / airbnb) in the valley of Valpelline in Bionaz in particular.

Registration Form

Alpine Lakes Tour next stage : Alpine Paradise Race, la prochaine étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour ! (Aosta Valley, italy)

While the Alpine Lakes Tour Canal de Savières has just, after 7 editions carried out without any problem, be banned by the prefecture of Savoie because of the traffic of motor boats on the canal …. (see our article at this subject), we are actively preparing one of the most promising stages of the Tour: the Alpine Paradise Race in Valle d’Aosta, this will be the 2nd edition. Registration opening : Monday July 19, 2021 from 6 p.m.

Alors que l’Alpine Lakes Tour Canal de Savières vient, après 7 éditions réalisées sans aucun problème, d’être interdite par la préfecture de la Savoie en raison du trafic des bateaux à moteur sur le canal…. (voir notre article à ce sujet), nous préparons activement une des étapes les plus prometteuses du Tour : l’Alpine Paradise Race dans le Val d’Aoste, ce sera la 2e édition. L’ouverture des inscriptions aura lieu lundi 19 juillet 2021 à partir de 18h.

The Alpine Lakes Stage named “Alpine Paradise Race” will be held in Italy (Aosta Valley) high in the mountains on a beautiful turquoise blue lake on saturday september 25th and sunday 26th, 2021. There is a cosy hut just 50 m over the lake and the start line where we can host 76 people. It is also possible to set up a few tents close to the hut or It is also possible to camp near the refuge or to take a hotel (or other lodging / airbnb) in the valley of the Valpelline in Bionaz in particular.

La nouvelle étape de l’Alpine Lakes Tour baptisée “Alpine Paradise Race” aura lieu en Italie (dans la vallée d’Aoste) à 2000m d’altitude sur un magnifique lac aux eaux turquoises. cette étape aura lieu les 25 et 26 septembre 2021. Il y a un refuge confortable 50m au dessus du lac et tout près de la ligne de départ. Il est aussi possible de camper à proximité du refuge ou de prendre un hôtel (ou autre gîte / airbnb) dans la vallée de la Valpelline à Bionaz notamment.

La nuova tappa dei Alpine Lakes Tour denominata «Alpine Paradise Race» si svolgerà in Italia (Valle d’Aosta) in alta montagna su un bellissimo lago blu turchese sabato 12 settembre e domenica 13 settembre. C’è una capanna accogliente a soli 50 m sul lago e la linea di partenza dove possiamo ospitare 76 persone. E’ possibile anche campeggiare vicino al rifugio o prendere un albergo (o altro alloggio/airbnb) nella valle della Valpelline in particolare a Bionaz.

Questa nuova tappa del Tour dell Alpine Lakes Tour rappresenta per noi un culmine del concetto con un lago incontaminato in un sito di alta montagna e un rifugio.

Alpine Paradise Race : wir haben das Paradies für ein Sup-Rennen gefunden! Das Juwel der Alpine Lakes Tour 2019 : ein Bergsee auf 2000 m, türkisblaues Wasser, umgeben von 4000’der Bergkipfel und Gletschern! Das ist der See ‚ Place Moulin‘ im Aostatal, an der Grenze zur Schweiz und Frankreich !

Übernchtung: eine Berghütte mit Sauna und Jacuzzi, gerade oberhalb des Sees ! Es ist auch möglich, in der Nähe der Schutzhütte zu campen oder ein Hotel (oder eine andere Unterkunft / Airbnb) im Tal der Valpelline insbesondere in Bionaz zu nehmen.

Inscription / Registration

Alpine Paradise Race : registration is now open

Alpine Paradise Race Aosta valley

Registration for the 4th stage of the Alpine Lakes Tour 2020 is now open This very special Alpine Lakes Tour stage at 2000 m altitude in the Aosta Valley (the valley on the Italian side of Mont Blanc) is taking place for the second time. It represents the pinnacle of the concept of stand up paddle racing in an alpine environment.

Everything is there: the turquoise waters, the 4000 glacier-covered peaks, the mountain refuge and its very special atmosphere with, in the case of Refuge Prarayer, a unique welcome, abundant and excellent food, showers and even a jacuzzi !!

Version française ici

The Alpine Paradise Race programme

The Alpine Paradise Race takes place in the high mountains, the final programme will be revealed on Friday 11 September depending on weather conditions.

If the weather conditions are good, the program will be as follows:

Friday September 11: course reconnaissance

Saturday September 12: Short (5 km) and long distance (10 km) departure 10 a.m. / Saturday afternoon: Dragon Race and Kids Race

Sunday September 13: Technical Race: 10 a.m.

La vue du refuge juste au dessus du lac
The view from the refuge just above the lake

Meals by reservation at the Prarayer refuge for lunch and dinner.

Recommended accommodation at the Prarayer refuge just above the starting beach.

Alpine Paradise Race

Long distance course

Alpine Paradise Race longue distance

The long distance is 10 km from the beach at the bottom of the refuge and towards the dam. The lake is 4km long with a prohibited area near the dam, the course includes an additional loop before returning to the refuge.

Lake Place Moulin

Place Moulin lake is the largest lake in Valle d’Aosta. It is located at an altitude of 2000 on the border between Italy and Switzerland. The Aosta Valley is a French-speaking autonomous region of Italy on the eastern slope of Mont Blanc and along the border with Switzerland and the Canton of Valais. The Aosta Valley is accessible from the Mont Blanc tunnel, the Petit and Grand Saint Bernard passes and via the Po plain.

From the city of Aosta we go north towards Bionaz and the Vappelline valley.

Acces val aoste course place moulin

The Prarayer refuge

The Refuge Prarayer is run by the Bionaz family. The reception last year was just fantastic. Ask anyone who has slept there: an unforgettable experience at an altitude of 2000m at the foot of the glaciers and above the Place Moulin lake.

Call quickly to reserve your bed! The entire refuge is reserved for competitors until September 1. 76 places in all.

phone: +39 0165 730922

Registration form