Very Flat Race 2019 on lake Aiguebelette : resultats /results

Beautiful conditions yesterday for the Very Flat Race on Lake Aiguebelette ! A bit cold but the lake was very flat as expected for the long & short distance.

Ludovic Teulade won again the long distance (he won the GlaGla Race LD in January). His brother Jeremy won the beach race ! For women, Siri Schubert from switzerland won the long distance and Tanja Ecker (Germany) the beach race !

On the short distance the winner is Nicolas Andrey (on a 12’6 board) and for women, Muriel Bernard is first.

long distance start

Official Video

Long distance results / Ranking per category

  • 14′ hardb. = 14′ harbooards / SUP rigides
  • 14′ Infl. = 14′ Inflatable boards / SUP gonflables
  • M = Men / Hommes
  • W = Women / Femmes

Updated : April 16th – 2:40 pm

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Résultats POP & FAT Race results, Talloires – Lac d’Annecy

POP&FAT Race Talloires Lac Annecy

Yesterday in Talloires, lake Annecy (France). Peter Tritten (Switzerland) won the FAT Race (3:25:53) before Hervé Rota (France) and Leandro Cruz (Brazil). The first woman is Tanja Mock (Switzerland) before Micheline Hauchecorne (Switzerland) and Morgane Dody (Switzerland).

On the Mini FAT Race The winner is Samuel Carbillet (France) before Cedric Gachet (Switzerland) and Laurent Guyout (France). The first woman is Marie Dautruche (14′ – Switzerland)  before Lidvina Champendal (12’6 – Switzerland) and Cécile Jan (12’6 – France) 

Video POP & FAT RACE 2018

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