Alpine Paradise Race : Technical Race Tomorrow at 2 pm !

The Alpine Paradise Race starts tomorrow saturday september 21 ! We will have the Technical Race at 2pm. It will be a short and fun Technical Race : 3 laps, 5 buoys + one passage on the beach !

Registration for the Alpine Paradise Race is still open !

Saturday september 21 schedule

  • 9am -12am by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the dam to the refuge
  • Free reconnaissance of the course
  • 2pm technical race
  • 3pm dragon race
  • 4pm podiums Technical & Dragon
  • 5pm-6:30pm by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the the refuge back to the dam
  • 7:00 p.m. dinner at the refuge (you have to book your meal directly to the refuge)

Sunday september 22 schedule

  • 9:30 am: free tea & coffee on the beach close to the starting zone.
  • 10:30 am Long distance run 10 km / Short distance: 5 km
  • 1pm prize award ceremony
  • 1:30pm-3:30pm by reservation: transport of SUPs by boat from the the refuge back to the dam
  • Meals upon reservation at the Prarayer refuge for lunch.

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