Très belle édition de la Very Flat Race sur le lac d’Aiguebelette hier, dimanche 2 octobre. Limité à 100 participants en raison de son classement en réserve naturelle, l’événement a fait le plein ! Un résumé complet de la journée très vite !
Merci à nos partenaires : Red Paddle Co, SUP Passion la CCLA, à notre équipe de choc : Christian Pellissier, Jérôme Llado, Jean-Philippe Dargeou, Philippe Millet, Philippe Baudelin, vous avez fait des merveilles !
Very nice edition of the Very Flat Race on Lake Aiguebelette yesterday, Sunday October 2. Limited to 100 participants due to its classification as a nature reserve, the event was full! A complete summary of the day very quickly!
Thank you to our partners: Red Paddle Co, SUP Passion la CCLA, to our amazing team: Christian Pellissier, Jérôme Llado, Jean-Philippe Dargeou, Philippe Millet, Philippe Baudelin, you have done wonders!
Résultats courte distance / Short Distance Results
Rank | BIB | NAME | First N | Civilité | TIME | RACE | Type de SUP / SUP Type or outrigger | SUP Size / Taille du SUP |
1 | 430 | LEMAIRE | vincent | M. | 00:37:10 | Short Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
2 | 436 | PORCHER | Nicolas | M. | 00:38:35 | Short Distance | Hardboard | 12’6 |
3 | 117 | NARDINI | Paolo | M. | 00:38:52 | Short Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
4 | 412 | BAHRAOUI | Nouri Stephane | M. | 00:39:35 | Short Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
5 | 280 | DAYE | Jeremy | M. | 00:41:12 | Short Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
6 | 359 | LE RESTE | Gregoire | M. | 00:43:28 | Short Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
7 | 255 | DELGOVE | Anne | Mme | 00:46:01 | Short Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
8 | 66 | MARTIN | Stéphane | M. | 00:46:20 | Short Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
9 | 243 | CHOLLET | Eric | M. | 00:46:48 | Short Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
10 | 294 | LAFORET | Mathias | M. | 00:47:58 | Short Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
11 | 204 | HUGUES | Elena | Mme | 00:48:30 | Short Distance | Hardboard | 12’6 |
12 | 47 | LAFORÊT | Clémentine | Mme | 00:48:45 | Short Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
13 | 866 | FEVRE | pascal | M. | 00:51:39 | Short Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
14 | 291 | FRUCHARD | Anne-Karine | Mme | 00:55:08 | Short Distance | Prone | 12’6 |
15 | 137 | DREVET | Hélène | Mme | 00:57:50 | Short Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
16 | 186 | BLANC | Lohan | M. | 01:00:24 | Short Distance | Inflatable | 14’ |
17 | 185 | BLANC | Nicolas | M. | 01:00:25 | Short Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
18 | 339 | FRISON-ROCHE | Emmanuelle | Mme | 01:03:10 | Short Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |

Résultats Longue distance / Long distance results
1 | 404 | DARGEOU | JeanPhi | M. | 01:19:48 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
2 | 230 | AMIGO | Herve | M. | 01:20:42 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
3 | 86 | CROS | Loïc | M. | 01:23:24 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
4 | 38 | FERNET | Benoit | M. | 01:24:37 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
5 | 106 | RATABOUR | Xavier | M. | 01:24:43 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
6 | 198 | ROPIOT | PHILIPPE | M. | 01:25:18 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
7 | 129 | GICOT | Michel | M. | 01:25:37 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
8 | 190 | MARTI | VINCENT | M. | 01:26:26 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
9 | 908 | DELABIE | DAMIEN | M. | 01:26:30 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
10 | 166 | ODDERA | sara | Mme | 01:26:55 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
11 | 802 | MOULIN | christophe | M. | 01:27:44 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
12 | 244 | NIZAN | yannick | M. | 01:28:39 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
13 | 327 | CHOLLET | Martine | Mme | 01:28:54 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
14 | 323 | DEVENDEVILLE | Nicolas | M. | 01:29:10 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
15 | 388 | BOUGAIN | LIONEL | M. | 01:29:30 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
16 | 231 | THEODET | Pascal | M. | 01:29:51 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
17 | 57 | COULON | Renaud | M. | 01:30:06 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
18 | 217 | MARCHAND | Nicolas | M. | 01:30:45 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
19 | 372 | GLOOR | Sven | M. | 01:30:45 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14’ |
20 | 397 | SERVIER | Mikael | M. | 01:31:35 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
21 | 360 | RONZEAU | Daniel | M. | 01:32:04 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
22 | 441 | KHATIR | Freh | M. | 01:32:30 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
23 | 277 | CANALI | William | M. | 01:32:37 | Long Distance | Prone Paddle | 12’6 |
24 | 223 | LAPALUD | Olivier | M. | 01:33:17 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
25 | 213 | Mugnier | Sylvain | M. | 01:35:35 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14’ |
26 | 999 | LAVOREL | Julie | Mme | 01:36:56 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
27 | 298 | JOHNSTON | Alexandre | M. | 01:37:20 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
28 | 154 | BARALON | FREDERIC | M. | 01:37:33 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
29 | 309 | KHOROCHILOV | Andrei | M. | 01:40:36 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14’ |
30 | 155 | DINTEN | Jocelyne | Mme | 01:40:58 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
31 | 224 | MORAZZONI | Alain | M. | 01:42:24 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
32 | 378 | MOREILLON | Nicolas | M. | 01:43:29 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
33 | 262 | SCHAPELYNCK | Christophe | M. | 01:45:31 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
34 | 270 | SIMOND | jean-françois | M. | 01:46:15 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
35 | 271 | MEYNET GAUTHIER | Fabienne | Mme | 01:46:45 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
36 | 163 | MARX | Grégoire | M. | 01:47:56 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
37 | 821 | MOULIN | Patricia | Mme | 01:48:12 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 14′ |
38 | 49 | MARTIN | Gautier | M. | 01:48:40 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
39 | 130 | REMY | Emmanuelle | Mme | 01:48:40 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
40 | 402 | BONNARDEL | FABIEN | M. | 01:49:01 | Long Distance | Prone Paddle | 14′ |
41 | 178 | PEREZ | frederic | M. | 01:50:30 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
42 | 261 | DENIS | HERVÉ | M. | 01:51:30 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
43 | 364 | FRAYSSE | Adeline | Mme | 01:53:50 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
44 | 199 | SHEVLIN | Calina | Mme | 01:54:05 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14’ |
45 | 998 | BROUARD | Marie-Laure | Mme | 01:55:36 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
46 | 347 | JACOB | Jean-Christophe | M. | 01:59:58 | Long Distance | Hardboard | 12’6 |
47 | 422 | FIEVET | Frédéric | M. | 02:01:29 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
48 | 411 | TUAZ-TORCHON | Estelle | Mme | 02:01:29 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 14′ |
49 | 413 | BROCHIER-CENDRE | Amelia | Mme | 02:03:12 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
50 | 432 | ESNAULT | Magali | Mme | 02:10:13 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
51 | 258 | MOYAUX | Amandine | Mme | 02:11:03 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
52 | 425 | BRUNNER | Coline | Mme | 02:12:55 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
53 | 414 | DEPIN | Fanny | Mme | 02:32:30 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |
54 | 357 | CROS-MAYREVIEILLE | Pauline | Mme | 02:32:44 | Long Distance | Inflatable | 12’6 |

Résultats / results Beach Race
NAME | F name | S | BIB | TIME | Type |
LEMAIRE | vincent | M. | 430 | 00:11:21 | Hardboard |
DEVENDEVILLE | Nicolas | M. | 323 | 00:11:27 | Hardboard |
NIZAN | yannick | M. | 244 | 00:11:30 | Inflatable |
MARTI | VINCENT | M. | 190 | 00:11:37 | Hardboard |
PORCHER | Nicolas | M. | 436 | 00:11:43 | Hardboard |
FERNET | Benoit | M. | 38 | 00:11:50 | Hardboard |
DELABIE | DAMIEN | M. | 908 | 00:12:08 | Inflatable |
DAYE | Jeremy | M. | 280 | 00:12:20 | Inflatable |
THEODET | Pascal | M. | 189 | 00:12:32 | Inflatable |
FIEVET | Frédéric | M. | 422 | 00:12:36 | Inflatable |
RONZEAU | Daniel | M. | 360 | 00:13:10 | Inflatable |
BONNARDEL | FABIEN | M. | 402 | 00:16:37 | Prone Paddle |
ODDERA | sara | Mme | 166 | 00:11:48 | Hardboard |

Resultats / Results KIDS RACE
Coming soon / ils arrivent
Résultats / Resultats Dragon RACE
Coming Soon Ils arrivent