Alpine Paradise Race Long & Short distance results

The Alpine Paradise Race is over ! Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end ! Leaving Paradise is not easy 😉 We will be back next year on Lake Place Moulin. Spread the word : Paradise is very nice 😉

La Alpine Paradise Race è finita! Purtroppo, tutte le cose belle devono finire! Lasciare Paradise non è facile 😉 Torneremo l’anno prossimo sul Lake Place Moulin. Spargete la voce: Paradise è molto bello 😉

L’Alpine Paradise Race est terminée ! Malheureusement, toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin ! Quitter le Paradis n’est pas chose facile 😉 Nous serons de retour l’année prochaine sur le lac de Place Moulin. Faites-le savoir : le Paradis est très agréable 😉

A few pictures (more to come on our Facebook Alpine Lakes Tour Page)

Alpine Paradise Race Long distance results

Long distance


  1. Bea Basson (France) 1h16′
  2. Sophie Guerrier (France) 1h19’44”
  3. Lesley Hodge (UK) 1h28’32”

Men hardboard

  1. Dylan Sartori (Italy) 1h01’13”
  2. Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France) 1h05’20”
  3. Manuel Brignoli (Italy) 1h07’15”

Men Inflatable

  1. Cédric Chopin (France) 1h17’15”
  2. Nicolas Duisit (France) 1h18’36”
  3. Ricardo Pastorino (Italy) 1h27’20”

Over 60

  1. Jean-Philippe Dargeou (France) 1h05’20”
  2. Georgio Baldantoni (Italy) 1h14’27”
  3. Bea Basson (woman, France) 1h16′

More to come sooooon ! Stay tuned ! Still a lot of after race work to do !

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